It amazes me the numbers of followers and following that some ordinary people have on their Twitter account.I know there are search engines that are used to drive up their numbers and others are personalities that people enjoy the hobby of looking over their shoulder and experiencing second hand their activities and plans. Each time I connect to twitter there is some link to an article or picture worth visiting. I also enjoy going to Eurosport.com , cycling news.com , times online , smh.com.au , and nyt.com where there are variety of subjects of interest to me.
Today I was able to download from @Willie nelson and @sherylcrow1 as a result of Tweets.
Sheryl I met when she visited the “2005 Dauphine Libere”. She was out riding around Morzine whilst waiting for the race to arrive. I had already finished that day’s course when I came up behind this petite blonde wearing “George Hincapie cycle gear”. Having seen and spoken to her at the warm up for the Time trial on the previous Sunday we had plenty to talk about. When we arrived back at the team mechanic’s truck I kissed her “French style” which caused “Dirk the mechanic” to call out for her to go wash up before she caught something from me. Next morning I cycled down to the start with Lance who remarked on that meeting. It was a great team effort that year as George took the Time Trial and the Sunday Etappe.
Gov. Schwarzenegger I met at the Tour Depart in Perpignan when he was there promoting his latest film, Predator. The same day I also found the ancient Premier of France, Laurent Fabrice visiting the Village Depart. The first occasion I met him was in 1999 when I visited the “National Assembly “ . It was hosting an Exposition on the Internet .I was in Paris for the start of the “Paris-Nice Cycle Race”. that weekend was bitterly cold and the Monday found me riding in sleet and snow and by midday when I tried to drink a brandy in the bar I was shaking so hard it was slopping all over me . The bar owner treated me as I was in cycling shorts and he had seen me on TV. About 14.30 I came across the Etappe lunch picnic and was invited in just before the racers arrived. Seeing me a large bunch of racers rode off the road and cleaned up whatever food was left on the table. That evening I was lucky enough to be invited to stay with a French family who provided me with a taste of family life in their cozy home.
London hosted the Grand Depart in 2007 and I met Ken Livingstone in Hyde Park on the Friday evening. He was interested in the “Relay cycle team idea” and like any politician referred me to his Transport Czar who was also there. But there was no follow up to this day . Boris Johnson follows his example by not answering tweets or emails, nor does he wear a helmet when with his bike. Who would fail to recognise his face even with a helmet. Pays lip service in Promoting Paralympic 2012 , but action costs money. Chris Boardman was there that day as well and I have met him many times since the 1998 tour both when he is working there as a racer or as a race expert/commentator. Always willing to autograph items for charity.
David Harmon I met at the Tour, he kindly helped me out when I was stuck for a bed one night before a Saturday Time Trial . The Novotel charged a premium for his helping me out. Sean Kelly I last saw at the worlds in Mendrisio when he let me take him for a glass of wine at the Orvieto wine stand. Stephan Roche I meet frequently on his visits to various cycle events to see his son Nicolas race but David Duffield I rarely see these days as he commentates from the studio.

Today my memory was returned to the past as I watched “World Sport” on CNN. This years Sydney Hobart Yacht Race began a few hours ago . Last week I watched Shirley present “Mainsail” and as clips of the “America’s Cup” from 1983 were shown I recalled that day that “Bob Hawke” virtually proclaimed a National holiday with his comment “any employer sacking workers for failing to turn up for work is a mongrell”. mainsail showed Alan and John in the cockpit celebrating. Over 26yrs have passed since that event and one wonders what the principle protagonists think about the upcoming “Multi hulled challenge “.
When living in Sydney I had a small yacht, a Swanson 7m , to cruise the harbour and came to know the harbour's secrets quite well. In 2000 whilst visiting for the Olympic & Paralympic period I lived on my mate’s yacht “Big Foot” this like “Australia II” was designed by Ben Lexen .Each morning I woke with views across Rose Bay to the Opera House and the Olympic Rings on the Coathanger. It was really disappointing to see them taken down and not replaced with the Paralympic Emblem .
In earlier years I lived in the Sutherland Shire and paddled a kayak around the Port Hacking system this was harder work but great exercise. Carrying the kayak several kilometres to the water every weekend was a real chore even if good for the muscles. Each weekend I would spend the daylight hours paddling around in all weathers in the summer. Really was an interesting area with little trouble with speedboats. Sailing in the area was to be found but it was not as plentiful as in the harbour.
In the mountains north of where I live there is “Achensee” and as I cycle past in the summer I wonder about acquiring either a dingy or kayak once again. Day dreaming about riding the bike 40+ kms there spending the day on the water and then cycling home is as far as the idea has reached.
Between times I have also tried Windsurfing but the most memorable day was on Narrabeen Lake when I went in wearing Sunnies and came out without them and moved away from the spot unaware that they were gone. During the same period I would spend a few hours riding a bike in Lane Cove National Park at the weekend. Less hassle than riding Parramatta road . One memorable occasion was during the Sydney Olympics when I was escorting an Olympic Athletes contingent back to the village and we were told by a traffic motorcycle cop to ride single file back to the village at Homebush. Great welcome to Sydney traffic for the racers .
Most of the others I follow are media personalities who advise program content and come up with some interesting links. Time limits how many I can watch at any one time but whenever I have a spare hour or so I go into the “find people” and read the tweets both of my followers and those of others. Recently I am unable to “save as” whether it is twitter or my computer limiting this facility is disappointing.
Time spent on the “Net” costs Mb’s and in the area I live in the reception is appalling, at times there is no input/output signal. “BOB” is a subsidiary of A1 the network involved in Alpine Ski Racing. Not recommended to the visitor who is used to service. Trying to get an answer or usage statement is nigh on impossible. Preprinted letters are posted to answer enquiries.
New Year is fast approaching and like all I am trying to practice new habits so that 1st Jan will feel like a normal day. Told that a habit takes 30 days to change so got a lot of work to do to succeed.