Everybody knows someone with a Disability of one sort or another be it physical or mental and in many cases admire their pluck in trying to get on with their lives in the same way as you or I, and rarely will they let us offer assistance if they know they can deal with it themselves. Many are the occasions that someone will have to point out the matter before you or I are aware
Over the years at Cycle Tour Events I have come across “Hand Bike Users” and other types of Disabled Cyclists, occasionally I will spot them or others have pointed me out and then they have come to me to talk of their cycling ambitions. Whenever the Tour de France or Giro d’Italia comes up it is always with a sense of longing because they always express the ambition and desire but point out the lack of support in the way of assistance and facilities.

When preparing for the first Tour de France that I rode I met a Cycle Paralympian who wanted to travel with me. Regrettably he had no supporters to travel with him and he later travelled to Paris where he remarked to his companions that he knew me as I rode through the “Caravan” on the Champs Elysee near the Arc de Triomphe on the final Sunday carrying the Aussie and French Flags. Since then I have been unable to get a repeat invitation as on that occasion I was also uninvited but the story got worldwide publicity since I had done some stories during that Tour of 1998 with French TV3 channel amongst others.
March 12 the Paralympic Winter Games start in Vancouver and NOW is the time to check your TV guides to see what they are offering to assist you to get the latest news of your countries efforts. It is amazing to hear that the BBC is NOT showing live events. Apparently some weeks ago there was a report that they will do some summaries and a roundup before the closing Ceremony. USA TV channels have for many years chosen to not broadcast live. Paralympic TV will broadcast on the internet and the best way to see what is available is to go to your National Paralympic Committee Site. Whilst there look at which athletes and what sports your country is going to compete with at the Games. Looking at the Athlete Profiles you may even find a neighbour or resident from your area who is competing.
Internet access has changed the way people think and like others I sent messages via Twitter to Competitors using that resource. My request to them was that they help Publicise the Paralympic Games since they would be interacting with the Media who are always looking for stories aside from the competition. You too could select some Para Athletes to interact with and send them good wishes of support. They will enjoy knowing their years of sacrifice are being recognised and it could be that you help inspire them to find the extra effort to bring home a medal. Nobody that I know would ignore the opportunity to claim recognition for setting an athlete on a course which results in their reaching the podium in an international venue so in contacting the “NPC” look at what options there are there to help in your own way to set an athlete on course to the London 2012 Paralympics.

At Solden Opening World Cup Ski weekend one year I came across Darren Rahlves who had failed to qualify for the second run in the Reisen Slalom, he was heading down the hill to the hotel. Earlier I had been talking to the Japanese Para Ski Team and mentioned this , he asked where they were and I took him over expecting him to stay a few moments. When I left ½ hr later he was still settled in talking to them. Many athletes behave in this way , I know that Lindsey Vonn passed an amount of money to a Paralympian that she received as part of an Award in 2008. There are countless Cycle Racers that pass on their equipment to help, so much of this goes on unremarked as they do not wish to grandstand, but I take the view they are setting an example that others should follow!

Last week I sent an email to Auspara.com offering a “Cycle Cap” that I had got autographed at Bormio World Cup Ski Finals in 2008. There were 37 autographs on it, including Janice Kostelic, Bodie Miller, Lindsey Vonn, Alberto Tomba , Anja Paerson, etc. Could it be that there is no need to raise funds with an item such as this or a misread of the email. Michael Milton won 4 Gold Medals at Salt Lake Paralympics and leads a life full of adventure but those starting out struggle to raise funds and I believe even this offering has the possibility to raise considerable funds. The cap was amongst 3 that I took around with me whilst working there as a Slipper on the race courses. As the Ladies autographed the caps I got a kiss for luck from all but Julia Mancuso, not sure who the luck was for as later in the first run she skied out of the course. Curiously enough whilst looking for Marlie Schilds to gather her autograph i came across a group of the Austrian Ladies racing there, i did not add them but Liz Goergl & Andrea Fischbacker are now National Heroines for their exploits in Vancouver.

Looking at the list of Autographs on the cap I see ten autographs from racers who won medals this time around, and the bulk of the rest of the autographs are Gold Medal winners in previous Winter Olympic Games. Question is if this cap does not go to the Aussies at this time whilst the Olympics are current how much will it raise when the Hoopla dies down and the Media are no longer competing for stories. Any with suggestions to resolve this matter please post a comment or email direct.

The sun is shining and the roads are clear of snow so I am closing to go cycling, a couple of hours of fresh air will help me decide which photos to post and perhaps there will be some comments by the time I return! Funny to be in Austria and see that the people who visit here generally have left home with snow on their roads to drive around here where it has all but disappeared.
Just come in to add extra layers after an hour in the windy weather which whilst sunny is brutally cold, yes a bit of a whimp at this time ! Kudos are due as whilst on a clear stretch of road i was passed by a combi van which was still signalling after it had passed me, www.ascherauhof.com is a local hotel who rely on visitors and obviously good behaviour on the roads deserves recognition.

Earlier posts contain reference to www.fatcyclist.com whose fundraiser closes monday evening and the reason for the early closure is now apparent as he announced the imminent marriage to the "Runner(Lisa) next week. Congrats to both and i hope their family enjoy more good fortune in the coming years.
www.wheelchairpride.com deserves a visit as it provides details of the Paralympic events and links for the TV coverage, they also offer an interesting insight into that way of living. Visit and enjoy the information that is offered.