Product Review
Just recently I was asked to do a product review, perhaps because I mention the difficulties I have with access to the internet. Each time I log on it can be a lottery as it comes in at 20bit/sec but at other times it will be at 1.3m/sec but usually that is with items I do not wish to d/load.
When trying to upload the blog content I usually walk away and do some other job for a few minutes since I have given up o waiting for the computer to do the job most people expect of it.
Vista 7 or 8 whichever the computer is using seems to work reasonably compared to some other computers to which I have had access, but to the best of my knowledge there is room for improvement.
The product offered to me
Has asked for a review but apart from reading what is on this page I am unable to offer any advice since I am a computer newbie and blog to help publicize “Adaptive/Physically Challenged Sport“!
Should I receive this product as offered I may well see how much better the computer performs and if it does as stated then I will be able to do a better job of keeping my readers entertained with my news and views.
Of course I welcome Cycling Product to review as this is an area I am very familiar with and any “Travel Offers” also will gain credible reviews.

YOU TOO CAN ASSIST " ADAPTIVE / PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED SPORT"!!..... THIS BLOG REMINISING ON PLACES AND PEOPLE VISITED OVER 24 YEARS OF PEDALING "PRO TOUR " RACE ROUTES". SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE VISIT . Note that i ride alone and unassisted ! I represent NOBODY and my views in relation to " Para Sport " are personal BUT what others do is their OWN affair ! I encourage ALL to help their National Paralympic Org. assisting those living in their area with dreams of Sporting Achievement .
PARRABUDDY.BLOGSPOT was started to help find a way for “Adaptive / Physically Challenged / Paralympic Cyclists ” to enjoy riding their bikes on the Daily Route of the famous Pro Tour Race Routes such as the “ Giro d’Italia " and the " Tour de France " !
Through lack of support i have been unable to achieve that goal and unless people decide to assist there is little chance that my 22nd season will be any more successful !
Tokyo2020 Paralympics was amazing for ALL , not just those participating but those who followed via the Media !
Since 2009 several other Blogs have been created to cover various other subjects !
Below is a guide to their separate purposes :
In the main Parrabuddy is about “Adaptive / Physically Challenged Sport” and Health Issues.
Skippi-cyclist is about personal issues and Road Safety Issues.
SkippyAus is about matters relating to Oz and some personal memories from my life there.
Tourdafarce & Tourdafrance are about matters relating to the Pro Tour , Racers and some personal experiences during my various visits to ride the Pro Tour routes .
Skippy (blogging) is about a variety of issues on the Internet .
NOT ALL postings arrive in their correct area but I will generally try to separate my views on Doping and Sporting Fraud from Road Safety Issues .
Comments ARE WELCOMED since this shows that those reading are interested in the subject matter ! Enjoy comments made to other blogs so wonder why only " anonymous " posts here !
Over the period of these "Blogs" I have had visibility on Twitter as “Skippydetour” and on Facebook as “Skippy Mc Carthy” where Google usually advise postings on the Blogs as they occur .
When any of you visit these Blogs I hope I am able to add value to your day and provide a source of information if not inspiration . Please consider asking your friends and contacts to add their support as many of the Para Athletes are struggling to find the resources to compete in Events at regional Levels let alone National Levels .
You the reader have the possibility to help these Amazing Athletes in your own way and contacting your National Paralympic Internet Site for relevant info is a good start !
Through lack of support i have been unable to achieve that goal and unless people decide to assist there is little chance that my 22nd season will be any more successful !
Tokyo2020 Paralympics was amazing for ALL , not just those participating but those who followed via the Media !
Since 2009 several other Blogs have been created to cover various other subjects !
Below is a guide to their separate purposes :
In the main Parrabuddy is about “Adaptive / Physically Challenged Sport” and Health Issues.
Skippi-cyclist is about personal issues and Road Safety Issues.
SkippyAus is about matters relating to Oz and some personal memories from my life there.
Tourdafarce & Tourdafrance are about matters relating to the Pro Tour , Racers and some personal experiences during my various visits to ride the Pro Tour routes .
Skippy (blogging) is about a variety of issues on the Internet .
NOT ALL postings arrive in their correct area but I will generally try to separate my views on Doping and Sporting Fraud from Road Safety Issues .
Comments ARE WELCOMED since this shows that those reading are interested in the subject matter ! Enjoy comments made to other blogs so wonder why only " anonymous " posts here !
Over the period of these "Blogs" I have had visibility on Twitter as “Skippydetour” and on Facebook as “Skippy Mc Carthy” where Google usually advise postings on the Blogs as they occur .
When any of you visit these Blogs I hope I am able to add value to your day and provide a source of information if not inspiration . Please consider asking your friends and contacts to add their support as many of the Para Athletes are struggling to find the resources to compete in Events at regional Levels let alone National Levels .
You the reader have the possibility to help these Amazing Athletes in your own way and contacting your National Paralympic Internet Site for relevant info is a good start !
Aug 18, 2010
Aug 14, 2010
Chug across to " & or" to read this item !
Aug 12, 2010
Yesterday i changed the chain on my "Grand Tour bike", you know the "pink one" ! This chain was put on in april 2009 when setting up the bike before the "2009 Giro d'Italia" after the frame had been repainted by the cowboys who could not be bothered to supply "touchup paint" but also cheated the guy who handled the job for me. When i delivered the frame in 2008 the paint job was "Gratis/promo", yea so why advertise £60 jobs and charge £153? Oh , only some jobs are £60? Misleading advertising? Well Bristol cowboys you are getting plenty of free advertising of the sort you CANNOT buy ! Congrats on a lousy job! Guess how many people have seen the bike by now and how many more know this story "Word of mouth" as well as in print/media !
The chain survived until i was riding in the "Chain gang" back from Trieste to Jesolo" on the Sunday evening after the stage and powering up the big hill driving 56 on 11 at about 35kph standing on the pedals to stay in the group which was composed of "Dilitante/race standard youngsters" ! The chain link opened and i sat down in time to avoid a spill and got spat out the rear like a "fruit seed"! Several locals including a mt/biker tried to help close/replace the link, even put in several that i carry as spares to no avail. WEll after an hour out came the thumb back to the start.
Monday morning i pulled up short of the start and found a really helpful Italian Bike Mechanic after about a dozen false starts, most wanted to help but did not have "shimano parts"! This guy guaranteed his work would last the life of the chain, it did and longer ! You see it survived 2009(11+km) and even though i was told in april to replace the chain after having it measured i decided as everything was working more or less correctly, to continue but carry a replacement and links in case of breakdown.
Well this season passed satisfactorily until 3km from the top of the Madelaine when the chain broke as i was nursing it to the top after a link opened. Luckily for me i had stopped alongside some English guys who had their trailor parked beside the road and whilst i drank a cup of coffee they fixed the chain. Days later, the friday night , i was entering the town of Rodex when they hollered "Skippy" as they drove around the roundabout on the bypass of the town, sorry guys if you did not hear me holler back !
I had been at the finish of the Etappe on the Mende airfield when the first storm struck early in the evening and having descended into the town was heading out for the next day's start at Rodex when the heavens opened once again. Having spotted the "Presidential Motor cycle squadron" in a tyre repair shop on the way out of Mende i headed back to their sheltering point. These guys are really friendly and some make the effort to speak English but have over the years gone out of their way to help where they can. During the hour or so we were there they supplied me with sandwiches and water so that the time passed quickly enough and i was entertained with stories of their careers and other news surrounding events observed at the tour.
When i left shortly before them as the storm had passed i had over 120km to go to Rodex so whilst waiting for a lift they passed on the way to their hotel. The first lift was about 30km and dropped me in time for "El Diablo" to pull in to offer a lift and drop me close to Rodex , my destination. Whilst driving Didi also supplied refreshment and although he does not speak any english we muddle along with my deutsch vocabulary , suffice to say the time passed quickly.
On my way into the town of Rodex i realised there was a YHA nearby and stopped to speak with a gentleman whose wife then took me on a guided tour until we found the Hostel closed for this period, I wonder who pays their bills if they do not want to be filled by tour visitors? Yves wife took me into Rodex town centre and then decided to offer me accom for the night. These strangers had a flat attached to their residence which left me self contained but they also sat me down to dinner and breakfast with a menu that would be the envy of any that were staying in a 5 star hotel. Single Malt scotch was an unexpected surprise as an aperitif as i rarely treat myself like this at home , seems a waste to open a bottle for myself these days. As i continue to mention in my blog entries this is the best part of the Tours, finding people such as this family who invite "Complete Strangers into their homes and treat them as Family" and this is why i continue to make the effort to support "Disabled Sport"
After the tour i was in Belgium to recover my car then over to the UK to visit a variety of friends. Sundays are always with a Cycle club somewhere, and this time it was with "Seamons Cycle club " out of Altrincham who decided to head for the hills outside Macclesfield. Even going out there the chain started skidding through but on the climb whenever i put effort into a higher gear i got a bruised knee when the chain skidded through, on the flat it was holding on the 56 ,11 but 42,11 etc was the problem as there was not enough tension any more.
Well yesterday i made the change and after 2 "Giro, 2 "Tdf, 2 "dauphinee a lot of trainig kilometres i figure that the chain which came from a Team bike must have in excess of 15000km and likely 20k usuage. I clean the chain as often as i can and use "wd40" like products rather than oils which tend to collect road dust/dirt and soil upholstery when in a vehicle.
Shimano would recommend replacement about 5k but teams change much earlier but regardless i hope this blog confirms the excellence of "Dura ace Products" which i continue to enjoy. The new "Dura ace Chain" is not working well on the 42 ,11 but runs smoothly enough elsewhere so there are some adjustments needed before i get back to trouble free riding before the Vuelta.
The chain survived until i was riding in the "Chain gang" back from Trieste to Jesolo" on the Sunday evening after the stage and powering up the big hill driving 56 on 11 at about 35kph standing on the pedals to stay in the group which was composed of "Dilitante/race standard youngsters" ! The chain link opened and i sat down in time to avoid a spill and got spat out the rear like a "fruit seed"! Several locals including a mt/biker tried to help close/replace the link, even put in several that i carry as spares to no avail. WEll after an hour out came the thumb back to the start.

Monday morning i pulled up short of the start and found a really helpful Italian Bike Mechanic after about a dozen false starts, most wanted to help but did not have "shimano parts"! This guy guaranteed his work would last the life of the chain, it did and longer ! You see it survived 2009(11+km) and even though i was told in april to replace the chain after having it measured i decided as everything was working more or less correctly, to continue but carry a replacement and links in case of breakdown.
Well this season passed satisfactorily until 3km from the top of the Madelaine when the chain broke as i was nursing it to the top after a link opened. Luckily for me i had stopped alongside some English guys who had their trailor parked beside the road and whilst i drank a cup of coffee they fixed the chain. Days later, the friday night , i was entering the town of Rodex when they hollered "Skippy" as they drove around the roundabout on the bypass of the town, sorry guys if you did not hear me holler back !
I had been at the finish of the Etappe on the Mende airfield when the first storm struck early in the evening and having descended into the town was heading out for the next day's start at Rodex when the heavens opened once again. Having spotted the "Presidential Motor cycle squadron" in a tyre repair shop on the way out of Mende i headed back to their sheltering point. These guys are really friendly and some make the effort to speak English but have over the years gone out of their way to help where they can. During the hour or so we were there they supplied me with sandwiches and water so that the time passed quickly enough and i was entertained with stories of their careers and other news surrounding events observed at the tour.
When i left shortly before them as the storm had passed i had over 120km to go to Rodex so whilst waiting for a lift they passed on the way to their hotel. The first lift was about 30km and dropped me in time for "El Diablo" to pull in to offer a lift and drop me close to Rodex , my destination. Whilst driving Didi also supplied refreshment and although he does not speak any english we muddle along with my deutsch vocabulary , suffice to say the time passed quickly.
On my way into the town of Rodex i realised there was a YHA nearby and stopped to speak with a gentleman whose wife then took me on a guided tour until we found the Hostel closed for this period, I wonder who pays their bills if they do not want to be filled by tour visitors? Yves wife took me into Rodex town centre and then decided to offer me accom for the night. These strangers had a flat attached to their residence which left me self contained but they also sat me down to dinner and breakfast with a menu that would be the envy of any that were staying in a 5 star hotel. Single Malt scotch was an unexpected surprise as an aperitif as i rarely treat myself like this at home , seems a waste to open a bottle for myself these days. As i continue to mention in my blog entries this is the best part of the Tours, finding people such as this family who invite "Complete Strangers into their homes and treat them as Family" and this is why i continue to make the effort to support "Disabled Sport"
After the tour i was in Belgium to recover my car then over to the UK to visit a variety of friends. Sundays are always with a Cycle club somewhere, and this time it was with "Seamons Cycle club " out of Altrincham who decided to head for the hills outside Macclesfield. Even going out there the chain started skidding through but on the climb whenever i put effort into a higher gear i got a bruised knee when the chain skidded through, on the flat it was holding on the 56 ,11 but 42,11 etc was the problem as there was not enough tension any more.
Well yesterday i made the change and after 2 "Giro, 2 "Tdf, 2 "dauphinee a lot of trainig kilometres i figure that the chain which came from a Team bike must have in excess of 15000km and likely 20k usuage. I clean the chain as often as i can and use "wd40" like products rather than oils which tend to collect road dust/dirt and soil upholstery when in a vehicle.
Shimano would recommend replacement about 5k but teams change much earlier but regardless i hope this blog confirms the excellence of "Dura ace Products" which i continue to enjoy. The new "Dura ace Chain" is not working well on the 42 ,11 but runs smoothly enough elsewhere so there are some adjustments needed before i get back to trouble free riding before the Vuelta.
Currently based in Zillertal in Austria i am unable to see or follow Cycling in Oz unless i go to the internet. One of the sites i have to follow is SBS Cycling CEntral Blogs which has a variety of items each month, some are informative and are worth sending comments.
Comments that are below standards required do not deserve repeating, but many times i have sent in items shown below that are censored out and not printed. I keep all comments that i contribute to a variety of sources and i know that "Googling " will find them also once printed.
Personalities come into this as well since in 2004 "Thommo" told me "I have no time on my Tour de France program for "Disabled Sport"!", he had time to show me in the background on several clips none of which i had been happy to hear about in the light of his "Censoring the reason d'etre"!
Fact is i rarely spend time with "Journos" who want to do anything other than help/report on "Disabled/Adaptive/Para/Physically Challenged Sport". I only do interviews with Media as i come across them , i will not make appointments since it limits my movements, who would walk away from a meeting with "King Albert 2 of Belgium to meet a Journo who may either not be there, running late or not use the item because something more important has come up.
Each Grand Tour is an investment of my Time, Money and energy and i go into it with hopes of contributing something but realise that i am not important enough to make a difference !
Judge the comment to the article for yourself !
Original Comment.
"EQUIPE is a great source of info for any sport whilst in Europe, better if your french is fluent or a mate can help you out !
Anyone with new Lance book able to help me out by scanning pages 185/6 to and if there is someone that has graham Obree's "Flying Scotsman" please forward the ref's there please !
Unlike the "mention" i do not get involved in "Money " but spend my time reminding Athletes, Sponsors, Organisers, Fans and others that more needs to be done to fund the Para Athletes so that their families do not have to carry the burden of their efforts to represent their country in International Competition(even in local comp.s they have huge expenses) and elsewhere !
My efforts are voluntary and the recognition, hospitality and thanks i receive from Para Athletes & their Families & Friends whilst at the Giro,Tour & Vuelta make the considerable expense and time spent worthwhile.
Still would like more support to help these amazing athletes to get a "Relay Team " going for future Tours starting now with the "Tour Downunder" !
Follow @skippydetour and google Skippyaus , Skippydetour & Parrabuddy and sign on as followers but also look at the Aust. Paralympic Site and see what you can offer to send the best team to LOndon 2012 and show why Australians are the best !"
2nd effort
No one else seems to have bothered with YOUR article
"Equipe is a great source of info for any sport whilst in Europe, better if your french is fluent or a mate can help you out !
Anyone with new Lance book able to help me out by scanning pages 185/6 to and if there is someone that has graham Obree's "Flying Scotsman" please forward the ref's there please !
Unlike the "mention" i do not get involved in "Money " but spend my time reminding Athletes, Sponsors, Organisers, Fans and others that more needs to be done to fund the Para Athletes so that their families do not have to carry the burden of their efforts to represent their country in International Competition(even in local comp.s they have huge expenses) and elsewhere !
My efforts are voluntary and the recognition, hospitality and thanks i receive from Para Athletes & their Families & Friends whilst at the Giro,Tour & Vuelta make the considerable expense and time spent worthwhile.
Still would like more support to help these amazing athletes to get a "Relay Team " going for future Tours starting now with the "Tour Downunder" !
Follow @skippydetour and google Skippyaus , Skippydetour & Parrabuddy and sign on as followers but also look at the Aust. Paralympic Site and see what you can offer to send the best team to LOndon 2012 and show why Australians are the best !"
Seems like each time i try to help the Aussie Paralympians some SBS "nobody" censors the item !
Copy of this message will be found elsewhere and will not reflect kindly on SBS policy towards "Disabled Sport" !
The above also sent direct to SBS management who will probably "Bin it" since they never Ever replied to previous input, so what's new?
Living in the Austrian mountains i have an internet connection that runs at 20bits/sec most of the time but will d/load unwanted items at 1.3m/sec, go figure !
Comments that are below standards required do not deserve repeating, but many times i have sent in items shown below that are censored out and not printed. I keep all comments that i contribute to a variety of sources and i know that "Googling " will find them also once printed.
Personalities come into this as well since in 2004 "Thommo" told me "I have no time on my Tour de France program for "Disabled Sport"!", he had time to show me in the background on several clips none of which i had been happy to hear about in the light of his "Censoring the reason d'etre"!
Fact is i rarely spend time with "Journos" who want to do anything other than help/report on "Disabled/Adaptive/Para/Physically Challenged Sport". I only do interviews with Media as i come across them , i will not make appointments since it limits my movements, who would walk away from a meeting with "King Albert 2 of Belgium to meet a Journo who may either not be there, running late or not use the item because something more important has come up.
Each Grand Tour is an investment of my Time, Money and energy and i go into it with hopes of contributing something but realise that i am not important enough to make a difference !
Judge the comment to the article for yourself !
Original Comment.
"EQUIPE is a great source of info for any sport whilst in Europe, better if your french is fluent or a mate can help you out !
Anyone with new Lance book able to help me out by scanning pages 185/6 to and if there is someone that has graham Obree's "Flying Scotsman" please forward the ref's there please !
Unlike the "mention" i do not get involved in "Money " but spend my time reminding Athletes, Sponsors, Organisers, Fans and others that more needs to be done to fund the Para Athletes so that their families do not have to carry the burden of their efforts to represent their country in International Competition(even in local comp.s they have huge expenses) and elsewhere !
My efforts are voluntary and the recognition, hospitality and thanks i receive from Para Athletes & their Families & Friends whilst at the Giro,Tour & Vuelta make the considerable expense and time spent worthwhile.
Still would like more support to help these amazing athletes to get a "Relay Team " going for future Tours starting now with the "Tour Downunder" !
Follow @skippydetour and google Skippyaus , Skippydetour & Parrabuddy and sign on as followers but also look at the Aust. Paralympic Site and see what you can offer to send the best team to LOndon 2012 and show why Australians are the best !"
2nd effort
No one else seems to have bothered with YOUR article
"Equipe is a great source of info for any sport whilst in Europe, better if your french is fluent or a mate can help you out !
Anyone with new Lance book able to help me out by scanning pages 185/6 to and if there is someone that has graham Obree's "Flying Scotsman" please forward the ref's there please !
Unlike the "mention" i do not get involved in "Money " but spend my time reminding Athletes, Sponsors, Organisers, Fans and others that more needs to be done to fund the Para Athletes so that their families do not have to carry the burden of their efforts to represent their country in International Competition(even in local comp.s they have huge expenses) and elsewhere !
My efforts are voluntary and the recognition, hospitality and thanks i receive from Para Athletes & their Families & Friends whilst at the Giro,Tour & Vuelta make the considerable expense and time spent worthwhile.
Still would like more support to help these amazing athletes to get a "Relay Team " going for future Tours starting now with the "Tour Downunder" !
Follow @skippydetour and google Skippyaus , Skippydetour & Parrabuddy and sign on as followers but also look at the Aust. Paralympic Site and see what you can offer to send the best team to LOndon 2012 and show why Australians are the best !"
Seems like each time i try to help the Aussie Paralympians some SBS "nobody" censors the item !
Copy of this message will be found elsewhere and will not reflect kindly on SBS policy towards "Disabled Sport" !
The above also sent direct to SBS management who will probably "Bin it" since they never Ever replied to previous input, so what's new?
Living in the Austrian mountains i have an internet connection that runs at 20bits/sec most of the time but will d/load unwanted items at 1.3m/sec, go figure !
disabled sport,
Graham Obree,
Grand Tours,
Aug 2, 2010
Tomo and i do not see eye to eye about "Disabled Sport/Paralympians" thus he rarely adds my comments to his blog regardless of how favourable i am to the subject !
In 2004 at the TDF he told me that "i can't find time on my program to talk of "disabled Sport" , it is irrelevant when reporting the Tour!" 15% of population are irrelevant? Fortunately for Aussies the Tour Coverage happens in out of business hours time slots so All get to see the terrific work that France Tv does each day. In europe the majority of coverage is watched by those at home which is biased by the number of people with "disability of a variety of causes" that tune in ! SEPTEMBER 2004 the Aussie Paralympic Team was trying to emulate their successes in Sydney 2000 and even in July their efforts could have been enhanced had the "OstericH" not had his head stuck in the sand !
Shame on those who belittle ANY "disabled person let alone those aspiring to serve their nation ! Those returning from Military Service Abroad face new challenges and Sport is one area for them to recover their self esteem as they attempt to build a new life. Already we are seeing Service personnel aspiring to competition in London 2012 Paralympics , contact your National Paralympic Website to see what you can contribute to their success !
French TV throw huge resources at the TDF because it is a sporting icon and they want to showcase France in the best possible light to keep the 75million visitors coming each year to all parts of france whether for holiday or business!
SBS on the other hand are frugal and initially were 3 now somewhat larger. Given that 4 hours coverage a day is reported there is no excuse for not mentioning or supporting "Disabled Sport/Paralympians"!
This was the 13th riding of the TDF route for me and daily i met with and was offered hospitality by the families of Paralympic Athletes of both Summer & Winter Events. Some of these generous individuals remember and recount previous meetings taking their time to introduce me to some of their local dignitories with anecdotal stories of how my efforts have helped them and their colleagues.
Tomo time and again tells me he has no time for "Disabled Sport" on his program, still tries to be friendly when we meet as eventually he will realise that the 15% of the population suffering Physical & Mental disability deserve respect !
This item can be found by googling TourDaFarce, Skippi-cyclist or Parrabuddy, you will find more there also.
Tour operators who do not bring "disabled" to the TDF should be ashamed of themselves, it is not about the 100% profit on each seat with little or no effort required, it is about " a fair go" an old aussie tradition . Paralympians who have served their country deserve a "Cost seat" and no doubt will inspire your clients rather than "turning them off"! People like Peter Brooks and Micheal Milton could even travel for free with the amount of business they would attract for you!
Time to prepare for next year so send out those invites now as Milton's agenda fills fast, whether i ride the 14th depends on "Sponsorship" since i want a Relay team Of "Disabled /paralympians" passing the baton as they ride each day the same route as the Racers!
Finally, Cadel's day passed when he let his frustration out on the idiot that interfered with the race , like "chaingate" that was the pivotal moment in his career. His World Championship win is the thing he will be remembered for by ALL PROUD AUSSIES !
Tomo and i do not see eye to eye about "Disabled Sport/Paralympians" thus he rarely adds my comments to his blog regardless of how favourable i am to the subject !
In 2004 at the TDF he told me that "i can't find time on my program to talk of "disabled Sport" , it is irrelevant when reporting the Tour!" 15% of population are irrelevant? Fortunately for Aussies the Tour Coverage happens in out of business hours time slots so All get to see the terrific work that France Tv does each day. In europe the majority of coverage is watched by those at home which is biased by the number of people with "disability of a variety of causes" that tune in ! SEPTEMBER 2004 the Aussie Paralympic Team was trying to emulate their successes in Sydney 2000 and even in July their efforts could have been enhanced had the "OstericH" not had his head stuck in the sand !
Shame on those who belittle ANY "disabled person let alone those aspiring to serve their nation ! Those returning from Military Service Abroad face new challenges and Sport is one area for them to recover their self esteem as they attempt to build a new life. Already we are seeing Service personnel aspiring to competition in London 2012 Paralympics , contact your National Paralympic Website to see what you can contribute to their success !
French TV throw huge resources at the TDF because it is a sporting icon and they want to showcase France in the best possible light to keep the 75million visitors coming each year to all parts of france whether for holiday or business!
SBS on the other hand are frugal and initially were 3 now somewhat larger. Given that 4 hours coverage a day is reported there is no excuse for not mentioning or supporting "Disabled Sport/Paralympians"!
This was the 13th riding of the TDF route for me and daily i met with and was offered hospitality by the families of Paralympic Athletes of both Summer & Winter Events. Some of these generous individuals remember and recount previous meetings taking their time to introduce me to some of their local dignitories with anecdotal stories of how my efforts have helped them and their colleagues.
Tomo time and again tells me he has no time for "Disabled Sport" on his program, still tries to be friendly when we meet as eventually he will realise that the 15% of the population suffering Physical & Mental disability deserve respect !
This item can be found by googling TourDaFarce, Skippi-cyclist or Parrabuddy, you will find more there also.
Tour operators who do not bring "disabled" to the TDF should be ashamed of themselves, it is not about the 100% profit on each seat with little or no effort required, it is about " a fair go" an old aussie tradition . Paralympians who have served their country deserve a "Cost seat" and no doubt will inspire your clients rather than "turning them off"! People like Peter Brooks and Micheal Milton could even travel for free with the amount of business they would attract for you!
Time to prepare for next year so send out those invites now as Milton's agenda fills fast, whether i ride the 14th depends on "Sponsorship" since i want a Relay team Of "Disabled /paralympians" passing the baton as they ride each day the same route as the Racers!
Finally, Cadel's day passed when he let his frustration out on the idiot that interfered with the race , like "chaingate" that was the pivotal moment in his career. His World Championship win is the thing he will be remembered for by ALL PROUD AUSSIES !
disabled sport,
Michael Milton,
Peter Brookes,
sbs aus,
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