YES , it will now be obvious to ALL that Pro Cycling has problems ! Jacques Rogge has seen the " royal salute " during this Olympics Men's Road Race ! Unbelievably " UCI " and " WADA " allowed a " Convicted Doper " to have a two year holiday and then come back and give them the two fingers !
Please understand that i like Vinky , as a person , he has always been friendly and cooperative with me since we met after he won the Paris-Nice ITT on Mt Eze in 2000 . I even congratulated him on his win in the Tour de France last week , when i was photoed with him in Chartres . I am also friendly with Dave Millar , also a " Convicted Doper " and greeted him there , calling him " Rhino " , and in return he called me " Skippy " , as he has since his win in Futurescope when he startled Lance with the win . Both these Racers were in an event that they had no place to be on Saturday !
Dave was there as Road Captain of the British Squad due to a " Smarty Pants set of Lawyers " , whether it was his doing , or he just benefited from their looking for a way to increase their income and profile , i am unable to say . Dave admitted his complicity in Doping and was given the suspension which stood at two years at that time . Happily he won an Etappe at the " Le Tour " due to convincing those in the breakaway to cooperate with each other and use their skills to arrive in the last 5km with a huge time margin and there settle their differences . Looking at this TDF i would say all the riders benefited as a result , contrary to other breakaway/escapes , where the racers were caught , even though had they helped each other , one of them would have won and the others would have had recognition with minor places .
Since returning from the " Jolly " that was two years suspension " Vinky " has enjoyed winning many events and truth be known , a win at the TDF and yesterday's win were well within his outstanding abilities , so why , did this talented Racer resort to Doping ? Seems that there are many who go that route because they are subjected to " Peer Pressure "! A team member of T-Mobile and thus of Bjarne Riis ( Admitted Doper ) , Rolf Aldag ( admitted Doper ) and Jan Ulrich ( no contest to charges but paid 250 big ones for the case to go away ) and Andreas Kloden ( Paid 50 big ones also ) ! Wonder what Jan And Klody said to themselves last night ?
Who knows what " Windbag Mc Quaid ( phat the rat ) " had to say BUT you will be certain that Jacques Rogge will have deflated his persona during a telephone call ! Did i hear Jacques address the " Doping Issue " in his Homily on the Olympic Podium at the opening ceremony ? You can imagine after my letters to him and John Fahey , that i feel that he behaved like a " Whimp " , with his soft shoe comments ! Money and Sponsors are more important to the " IOC " than cleaning up the " shoddy cheats " that are allowed to continue in sport !
Four years suspensions have been voiced by " Windbag Mc Quaid " for several years , and what has he done ? Had he acted in concert with WADA , many years ago , then we would not have seen either Dave or Vinky in the race ! Sorry guys , you both know my attitude to Doping , since we first met BUT then as a guy emailed me on Friday , i am perceived as a " Cycling Groupie ", by him ! Clown wanted me to stand about with him on Thursday and relate what i told him he could discover in reading my blogs . In meeting many people i ask them to refer to " Google " , rather than appear to be " bull shitting " or " one man upping " when
i first encounter them .
When i arrive on someone's premises i always ask for the " Boss " as a courtesy , and most times that is the person i am speaking with , but no matter their appearance , even then they can surprise you . Athens 2004 Olympic Torch Relay as an example , after greeting a Portugese Relay Runner , i quickly realised it was Rosa Motta , but later after she had gone for a shower asked the Guy she greeted with kisses , who he was . I was surprised to discover that he was " George " , the then President of Portugal . Just a guy on the street , but the armed chauffeur , standing quietly in the background no doubt was nervous about his decision to be in the crowd like " Joe Public " ?
Had checked the " Olympic Oath " with the intention of voicing my opinion in a post , and i am certain those involved on Friday will be shaking their heads ! Make no mistake , i am not saying that " Vinky " will be a " shamilton " , BUT , i am certain that the alarms have been strident , since Vinky crossed the line ! Standing at 45km from the start , i voiced the opinion , that if the break consisted of more than a handful and was more than two minutes ahead , i was sure they would stay away ! When 3 minutes passed i knew that the race was done and set off to the Olympic Rowing course and then west of High Wycombe calling in on a few people i had not seen in a while . Happened to read the results in Cycle Care Bike Shop at High Wycombe , but all i told Simon was that the result was " surprising " , since he wanted to stay in the dark until he watched a TV replay in comfort .
In my letters to John Fahey and Jacques Rogge , posted previously , i called on then to ACT NOW , on an Amnesty , so as to get the " Skeletons of the past " into the open ! Neither has replied ! No surprise there , secretarial staff and minders probably think i am a crank ! Simon passed on second hand impressions of recent reports about me by Eurosport Commentators . In asking if they mentioned my efforts to help find Sponsors for " Para Sport " he thought that it was not mentioned ! Well i met Sean in Chartres and enjoyed a long chat with him and a variety of others that were passing , that we both knew . Certainly Dave Harmon will know what i am about since we have chatted and tweeted , but frankly , unless they mention WHY i ride, i wish they would leave me out of their " who we know " asides !
" El Diablo " was missing from the TDF due to health reasons as was confirmed by Sean and Henri Sannier , appears he had surgery for a Brain Clot , Speedy recovery being underway . First noted there was a problem when i saw an email from Didi posted by a commenter to Live Update Guy , this being Chas Pelkey , asked then by email for advice on the situation , with no result .
UNTIL THE SPORTING PUBLIC AT LARGE , get to canvassing their Sports Bodies , there will be NO CHANGE in Doping Practices !
YOU THE PUBLIC can make the difference !

YOU TOO CAN ASSIST " ADAPTIVE / PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED SPORT"!!..... THIS BLOG REMINISING ON PLACES AND PEOPLE VISITED OVER 24 YEARS OF PEDALING "PRO TOUR " RACE ROUTES". SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE VISIT . Note that i ride alone and unassisted ! I represent NOBODY and my views in relation to " Para Sport " are personal BUT what others do is their OWN affair ! I encourage ALL to help their National Paralympic Org. assisting those living in their area with dreams of Sporting Achievement .
PARRABUDDY.BLOGSPOT was started to help find a way for “Adaptive / Physically Challenged / Paralympic Cyclists ” to enjoy riding their bikes on the Daily Route of the famous Pro Tour Race Routes such as the “ Giro d’Italia " and the " Tour de France " !
Through lack of support i have been unable to achieve that goal and unless people decide to assist there is little chance that my 22nd season will be any more successful !
Tokyo2020 Paralympics was amazing for ALL , not just those participating but those who followed via the Media !
Since 2009 several other Blogs have been created to cover various other subjects !
Below is a guide to their separate purposes :
In the main Parrabuddy is about “Adaptive / Physically Challenged Sport” and Health Issues.
Skippi-cyclist is about personal issues and Road Safety Issues.
SkippyAus is about matters relating to Oz and some personal memories from my life there.
Tourdafarce & Tourdafrance are about matters relating to the Pro Tour , Racers and some personal experiences during my various visits to ride the Pro Tour routes .
Skippy (blogging) is about a variety of issues on the Internet .
NOT ALL postings arrive in their correct area but I will generally try to separate my views on Doping and Sporting Fraud from Road Safety Issues .
Comments ARE WELCOMED since this shows that those reading are interested in the subject matter ! Enjoy comments made to other blogs so wonder why only " anonymous " posts here !
Over the period of these "Blogs" I have had visibility on Twitter as “Skippydetour” and on Facebook as “Skippy Mc Carthy” where Google usually advise postings on the Blogs as they occur .
When any of you visit these Blogs I hope I am able to add value to your day and provide a source of information if not inspiration . Please consider asking your friends and contacts to add their support as many of the Para Athletes are struggling to find the resources to compete in Events at regional Levels let alone National Levels .
You the reader have the possibility to help these Amazing Athletes in your own way and contacting your National Paralympic Internet Site for relevant info is a good start !
Through lack of support i have been unable to achieve that goal and unless people decide to assist there is little chance that my 22nd season will be any more successful !
Tokyo2020 Paralympics was amazing for ALL , not just those participating but those who followed via the Media !
Since 2009 several other Blogs have been created to cover various other subjects !
Below is a guide to their separate purposes :
In the main Parrabuddy is about “Adaptive / Physically Challenged Sport” and Health Issues.
Skippi-cyclist is about personal issues and Road Safety Issues.
SkippyAus is about matters relating to Oz and some personal memories from my life there.
Tourdafarce & Tourdafrance are about matters relating to the Pro Tour , Racers and some personal experiences during my various visits to ride the Pro Tour routes .
Skippy (blogging) is about a variety of issues on the Internet .
NOT ALL postings arrive in their correct area but I will generally try to separate my views on Doping and Sporting Fraud from Road Safety Issues .
Comments ARE WELCOMED since this shows that those reading are interested in the subject matter ! Enjoy comments made to other blogs so wonder why only " anonymous " posts here !
Over the period of these "Blogs" I have had visibility on Twitter as “Skippydetour” and on Facebook as “Skippy Mc Carthy” where Google usually advise postings on the Blogs as they occur .
When any of you visit these Blogs I hope I am able to add value to your day and provide a source of information if not inspiration . Please consider asking your friends and contacts to add their support as many of the Para Athletes are struggling to find the resources to compete in Events at regional Levels let alone National Levels .
You the reader have the possibility to help these Amazing Athletes in your own way and contacting your National Paralympic Internet Site for relevant info is a good start !
Jul 29, 2012
Jul 16, 2012
Last month i came across the disheartening situation , regarding " Wildland Firefighters ", through the website . I mentioned this subject in my Post " An UNGRATEFUL NATION "!
TODAY i had the following email waiting in my Inbox :
skippy -
When I started my petition on asking President Obama to make health insurance available to wildland firefighters, I knew my ask was huge.
But on Wednesday, after hearing from more than 125,000 people (including you!) who signed my petition, President Obama agreed to help uninsured wildland firefighters like me.
Soon, he'll be issuing a directive so that we will be able to buy federal health insurance -- possibly to take effect by the end of the month.
When I heard the great news, I was in South Dakota, getting ready to be dispatched to another fire. My crew and I are still fighting fires day in and day out, but we feel victorious knowing that you had our backs -- and now, so does the President.
It's a feeling I want others to share -- that's why if there's something in the world you want to see change, you should start a petition on now.
Starting mine took a few minutes -- all the time I had on a break in between deployments. And I can tell you completely honestly: winning feels great.
Thank you for signing my petition, for speaking out for wildland firefighters and for all that you do.
John Lauer
Tatanka Hotshot Crew, U.S. Forest Service
TODAY i had the following email waiting in my Inbox :
skippy -
When I started my petition on asking President Obama to make health insurance available to wildland firefighters, I knew my ask was huge.
But on Wednesday, after hearing from more than 125,000 people (including you!) who signed my petition, President Obama agreed to help uninsured wildland firefighters like me.
Soon, he'll be issuing a directive so that we will be able to buy federal health insurance -- possibly to take effect by the end of the month.
When I heard the great news, I was in South Dakota, getting ready to be dispatched to another fire. My crew and I are still fighting fires day in and day out, but we feel victorious knowing that you had our backs -- and now, so does the President.
It's a feeling I want others to share -- that's why if there's something in the world you want to see change, you should start a petition on now.
Starting mine took a few minutes -- all the time I had on a break in between deployments. And I can tell you completely honestly: winning feels great.
Thank you for signing my petition, for speaking out for wildland firefighters and for all that you do.
John Lauer
Tatanka Hotshot Crew, U.S. Forest Service
As you can see there has been the promise , of some action , to resolve the difficulties a great many " Public Spirited Americans " have had to suffer over the years . What we in other parts of the world have taken for granted over the years was denied to this segment of the US population , simply because they were putting their lives at risk ! Can you imagine the Public reaction to the US Forces fighting in " Harm's Way " being told " YOU ARE NOT INSURED "?
When i was younger i played ar being a firefighter , as i was working in the Australian Countryside and it seemed like a good way to meet the people in the towns where i was living for a time . Travelling around in my Sales job with Tulloch Steel meant being based in Wagga Wagga and West Wyalong , there were also many nights staying in Motels during the week . Sitting there watching TV was not an option from my point of view so i would locate the local Bush Fire brigade and get invited to join training sessions . Many entertaining evenings would follow . Even when working with Combined Insurance when my colleagues were in the Motel i was out at night enjoying the hospitality that was forth coming as a result of pitching in at a variety of events .
So much for the past but i do enjoy the odd chat with those working in the Fire Services throughout Europe when occasion arises . In Austria the Volunteer Fire People are in most smaller towns called " Freiwilliger " and to raise funds for necessary equipment they put on a variety of Entertaining Fundraisers . readers will know that in recent weeks his house has been " Smoked Out " by the local bush fires and he has mentioned the Firefighters efforts and the successful containment of the local fires . Some of the commenters mentioned that Australia has suffered Devastating Fires with HUGE loss of Life !
Nearly ALL fires are caused by human efforts ! Too many think that their ASHTRAY should not be dirtied by their FAGEND ! Yes , they don't want the cigarette butt in the car so OUT it goes ! As you sit in contra traffic , fuming about the delay , running late for that appointment or TV programme , realise that the roadside is being cleared so that a CIGGIE will not start a blaze ! Fact is YOU could do something the next time you see someone dispose of their trash . " DOBBING " is not thought of very highly in Australia , but there are somethings , that have to be eradicated for the common good . Fires cause Losses of property and more importantly LIVES ! Next time you see someone tossing their butt , ACT !
When the local Fire brigade goes into action they arrive back at their depot / station tired and frustrated ! Wouldn't it be great that they did not have to spend even more time , cleaning up the equipment , making sure that ALL is in apple pie order before heading for their rest ? Leaving even the smallest item unattended could have serious consequences the next time they are called out in an emergency .
WELL DONE FOLKS ! You serve your community without the praise that you DESERVE !
Moving along , yesterday , we saw the 14th etappe of this year's " Le Tour " . Arriving on the top of the second Cat 1 climb , Cadel Evans had to dismount due to a puncture . we saw him frustrated as those he was riding with headed downhill on the remaining 39km of the day's etappe . Significantly the next team mate arrived with a flat tire also , more delay , more stress . Then others found they were the victims of the cretin that decided to amuse themselves with causing mayhem .
DID ANYONE SEE that clown , did you photo them ? The French Authorities will be happy to have your help and WE , the Sports Fans , will be grateful !
Robert Kisolovski , racing in the Astana Team is now in hospital after crashing on the downslope , we ALL saw a flash of him lying beside the road as the TV followed Cadel , as he attempted to recover from the lost time . Robert's , " Le Tour " is over thanks to the Cretin who will no doubt say to the Gendarmerie , " I MEANT NO HARM "! In the next hour we were entertained to displays of GREAT Sportsmanship by SKY Team , and superb Team Time Trialling skills by BMC Team as Cadel twice more pulled up because of more punctures .
Brad Wiggins started on the descent looking over his shoulder , no doubt assessing the situation . Catching the others in the group he imposed his authority and saw to a " go slow " thus allowing his competitors some relief in their efforts to rejoin the group . Shortly after imposing his will , he stopped , got off one bike and onto another . What transpired there , i am yet to find out , but during this period Chris Froome , then exerted even more pressure on the group to control the impatience of others , since Pierre Rolland decided that he was exempt from the " Customs " that most Cycle Racers honour and made off at higher speed towards the finish !
What are the " rules " about exchanging Bikes since Cadel chose to continue with the same bike , indeed lost time in doing so , and Wiggo jumped off one bike onto another , when the Team car pulled up behind and unloaded the spare ? Mavic , the neutral service team , may not be entirely to blame for their delayed appearance at the GPM , since the roads were so narrow and those fans at the top of the climb were no doubt ignoring " Safety Barriers " and dangerously hemming in the racers to the point some racers were ducking under the flags hanging over their heads . Regrettably the time has arrived that there should be motorbikes instead of cars in close proximity to the principal GC Racers , particularly since the Tour Organisers know this problem exists , from previous experiences . Must Cadel's bad luck continue through the lack of " Neutral Service ? You may recall his lost time on the Vuelta from similar circumstances ?
Congratulations to Team SKY for their GREAT Sportsmanship ! As an Aussie i hope Cadel gets to find the time needed to be victorious in Paris !
Speedy recovery for Robert K. , an unnecessary injury !
Here's hoping that like the Mounties , the Gendarmerie find the culprit/s and they get a holiday in a penal colony !
Jul 14, 2012
Brad from my own experience is a retiring sort of Guy ! Nor easy to approach in earlier years from my experience . Remember when he arrived for the Team Time trial in the Giro d’Italia , in the team Jaguar . I was looking to get him to autograph the Maillot that I had awaiting him . Seemed a bit distant , perhaps distracted / huffy , but then his mind would be on the business in hand ,rather than my concerns . Recently after the conclusion of the Dauphine Libere in Les Chablets I rode alongside him as he was going from one place to another and he was quite friendly as I wished him luck at the TDF . Same response from Cadel who was carrying his son on the bike as he was heading back to the Team Pullman .
Remember being in Pau at the Novotel one “ Le Tour “ rest day , saw Lance going in from the Training ride which I had missed having been with another Team . Called out for him to autograph a Maillot , but he too was hurrying . Knowing where he would be having lunch in the hotel I sat in that foyer for perhaps an hour . Knew that he would arrive eventually I was content to wait but had not realised he had gone out the other door until Eki told me as he passed .
Racers have lives and they do some things like ordinary people , but they give up a lot of their free time , to give the Media and “ fans “ the attention THEY DEMAND ! Yes , demand ! Fact is , WE THE PUBLIC , are not entitled to demand their time ! That they give up their time is a bonus ! So many want a moment with a “ personality “ from whatever activity they choose to follow , guess it gives them “ bragging rights “ ?
In these Blogs you will find numerous examples of my contact with “ personalities “ even some have asked to be introduced to me , yes me ! Happens some of their family will say “ Get his Photo or autograph “! Won’t embarrass the Aussie Cycle Racer that recently told me he needed my photo .
Seem to recall in earlier years photos of Stuey O’Grady and Robbie Mc Ewan exchanging autographs in Cycling news ! Recall the 2001 Vuelta rest day when Jimenez asked for my autograph as we rode around Barcelona , this started the others asking and it was a nightmare with me wobbling all over the road as I tried to oblige .
Reading the CNF “ Clinic “ makes you realise the depths , people will descend to in their vitriol towards those , on whom they choose to turn the spotlight . Lance of course is their No 1 target . The jealousy and hatred they exude is unbelievable , on a scale of 1 to 10 it would be 110 ! Whenever a cycle Racer wins an event , the scrutiny starts , yet to look there to see what and how much has been heaped on Dave Millar’s shoulders , after yesterday’s victory !
Millar time was the theme of his fans at Futurescope , when he won the Time Trial on his first ride in the “ Le Tour “ , and it continues a decade later . Would not surprise me if he won another Etappe before Paris , certainly he will have raised the morale of the team , which was damaged by Christian losing 10 minutes in the first week and Ryder going home injured . Read an article last night on Dave that written earliy in the week , computer crashed overnight and it was lost !
Brad’s behaviour at the Press Room was greeted with many supportive Tweets from other of the TDF Racers but one wonders what Sky Management had to say on the subject . It’s a free for all in the Press Room , most ONLY get paid when their article is used so it is necessary for them to create controversy . They got it in spades that night , may even have pushed the Lance story aside for a period . Even more speculation was created when the “ WAGS “ started tweeting about the day’s events after Froomy made an attack from the rear .
Each morning when the Team Pullman arrives in the “ Ville Depart “ the team have a meeting and discuss “ Broad Strokes “ for the day’s Etappe . Duties are assigned and “ what ifs “ are discussed in some detail . Cadel is a thorn in the side of the Sky team and they plan how to negate his plans . With Chris being by Brad’s side they have the chance to cause Cadel problems . Who is to say that Froomy dropped back as planned and then attacked , so as to cause Cadel and the others , to waste energy in a fruitless chase ?
With the TV in each team car and France 3 TV doing such a good job , Sky’s DS was able to see Cadel’s negative response . Could he then have decided that there was little point in Chris continuing the attack ? Could Brad have been left adrift in the last 4km ? If he was left alone would he have lost some time to others whilst Froomy chased hard on the possibility of taking the Etappe victory ? Critical decisions that only a Team DS can make BUT subject to the wild speculation of outsiders , particularly the media !
Much has been made of the events surrounding Sky this week and Brad has tried to help outsiders understand his POV in his blog to the English Guardian newspaper :
An interesting and articulate exposition of his point of view ! Doubt that he wrote all , no doubt dictated and then transcribed by the PR guy on the Team Pullman . Perhaps it has been playing on his mind all week and thus several versions were then polished until he was satisfied . When you see him oh the bike he looks pensive and now we see the result .
From my POV it was a well thought out article and covers most of the questions that anyone would wish answered .
I think all Pro Cyclists have a responsibility to be forthright on the subject of doping, the culture of “ Omertá “ is one that cannot be allowed to continue. My blogs are full of calls for the Racers to take responsibility and call for a “ Sports Moratorium “!
On the other hand, there is a right and wrong way of questioning cyclists about it, and half an hour after a tough mountain stage probably isn't the best time to antagonise the person who gives up their Personal time to help you earn your living .
Because of “ le Tour “ there is increased interest at this time of the year, people will still continue to point the finger because they don't appreciate that there are “ clean Racers “ and racing can be done another way . Things are slowly changing ,but it's through the strict policies of teams like Sky and Garmin that doping will be driven into a smaller segment of the minority of “ Chancers .
Was interested to read of his experiences with Team Cofidis and his decisions in Pau airport . Regrettably this was the same team that lost a Racer during this TDF . Yet so many will praise David Moncoutie for his opposition to Doping and remember also that notables such as Stuey O’Grady , Matt White , David Millar and Lance Armstrong have been members of this team over the past 15 years .
Speculation has surfaced in the last days as to who should lead the Sky Team until Paris . Bjarne Riis was replaced by Jan Ulrich some years back during the 1996 “ Le tour “ but one hopes that there is no substance to those thoughts . One thing is clear from Chris’s comments , and that is that he follows Team Orders . When the TDF is over there will be time for the Media to consider who should employ his talents ! I think that SKY will reward him for his efforts and he will lead their other teams as a Captain if he chooses that path .
During the Dauphine libere i asked you to voice support for the " PARALYMPIC GAMES " . Your PR guy , to whom i also addressed this request , would also have mentioned this request to you . With your Foundation you are able to help many people but the Media need to be reminded , constantly , that there are many less fortunate than you or i needing " Sponsors " to achieve their best in Sport .
Calling on John Fahey of WADA and Jacques Rogge of IOC , to put an end to " Doping " by introducing a " Sports Moratorium " is perhaps the best approach to cutting the " gordian knot " ! My articles & ask them to ACT ! TIME PEOPLE got a grip on the situation and made those with " skeletons in the closet " confess and reveal their disdeeds , so that those in Sport are aware of whom they are dealing with !
As Johan Bruyneel said " It's windy at the Top "! Whilst you have the audience , you can achieve what few others would like to be able to get , a result !
Brad as I said to you , on our last meeting , “ Be the best you can be , everything else is icing on the cake “!
Best Wishes for your safe arrival in Paris !
Jul 11, 2012
Brad Wiggins is competing with Lance for the headlines at present ! Fact is the journos are ONLY there , with “ le Tour “ for controversy . So many of the journos could care less about Cycling and those racing their bikes , but are foaming at the mouth , as they lap up the offerings provided by Brad’s outburst and Lance’s current legal efforts . Rest day , yesterday , must have seen more than the usual media circus activity surrounding the Racers at their Hotels .
That 5 TDF Racers were named in relation to the USADA affair in the past week , has no doubt had an effect on their performance and their teams . For the principal teams contending for the Podium in Paris this must be an unwelcome distraction and it is no surprise then that Brad aired his views and these remarks were echoed by others on twitter .
Reading the “ Clinic “ in the Cyclingnews Forum for several years , I have seen far too much vilification of ALL Racers when they display above average performance . That there are “ gutless wonders “ hiding behind fictitious IP addresses is a certainty . Call on them to voice support for a cleanup of the sport and they will go into hiding ! Fact is it would spoil their continual amusement if ALL Suspicion of Sporting Fraud was removed from the Peloton .
Cycle Racers are Professional Sports People and are required by their Teams and Sponsors to put on a Public Face regardless of their personal views . Di Gregario being sent home has added fuel to the raging controversy that is Sporting Fraud ! He says that he acted alone yet he shared a room and was supervised by Team Medical Staff , so WHO believes him ?
Professionalism requires that the Racers in a Team act in the best interests of their Principals NOT Principles ! Many Racers are disgusted with what they have seen over the years . So many would like to break ranks and tell the TRUTH about what they know for fact !
Only by the Racers canvassing the IOC and WADA either individually or collectively will there be a way out of this Morass !
Drug Companies are working on the next wave of chemical interference in an Athletes Abilities . Do you want to be the guinea pigs for the Chemical Olympic Games ? Stick around in the current circumstances , and you will !
Courage comes in many forms and some have it and others are looking for the opportunity .
NOT FOR ME TO TELL ATHLETES HOW TO RUN THEIR LIVES but the following items will give some perspective of the populaces point of view !
Open Letter to the Peloton : a thread on the “ Clinic “ published in CNF !
“ Gutsy move by Adrian to publicize his feelings about the current state of the Road Racing scene !
Found this thread in the “ Clinic “ last night and this was the opening comment ! “
“ Originally Posted by Cavalier
Because it's become abundantly clear that the pro-peloton are aware of us;
More accurately, dear people applauding Bradley Wiggins for his foul-mouthed tirade today:
I'd like to outline why I think you're all massive hypocrites, and why you get the reaction from people that you do.
We've sat by for years - for some of you, your entire professional careers - and watched the sport.
We've sat through almost 30 years of doped riders, of positive tests, of confiscated victories weeks, months and sometimes years after they were awarded.
But most importantly, we sat by whilst all of this was going on, and you did nothing.
You didn't speak out then.
You didn't speak up against people you knew were doping.
You didn't speak up against your teammates when you knew they were doping.
All you ex-T-mobile riders didn't say anything about the visits to Freiberg.
You didn't say anything when riders gave evidence about what they'd seen, and were harassed because of it.
Some of you, through your inaction, did nothing about that harassment. Those of you who raced with Lance Armstrong said nothing back then.
Those of you who raced in 1998 complained about your rights and your dignity.
You didn't complain about those people who stripped them from you by cheating.
You didn't applaud those people who tried to out the real cheats within the ranks.
You didn't chastise those people taking trips to Spain and Italy to see doctors. In fact, some of you did it yourself.
You complained about early morning drug tests.
You complained about out of competition drug tests, and you complained about whereabouts forms and not having a private life, and media intrusion.
And some of you still ride today, still having said nothing about doping.
I'll say this: I've sat up until 3 in the morning every July for countless years now. I've watched, I've supported, even some of you who turned out to be cheats. I've dreamed of being in the position you're in, of having a tenth of the talent you're blessed enough to have, because no amount of hard work will make up for the gap. So when I'm at work at 7am, busting my rear end to make ends meet for the next ten hours for a tiny bit of what you get, remember this, every one of you who applaud Wiggins abusing those of us who ask questions:
We ask the questions because you refused to.
We get suspicious because we're tired of seeing more than half of the last 13 TdF titles get stripped and re-awarded.
We're tired of you guys continually saying "We're clean" and then seeing someone test positive.
We're tired of seeing you complain about us, because we got tired of seeing you cheat us as fans, by not taking matters into your own hands, getting rid of - and speaking out against - those who are doping, and have doped.
You give your blood values and power numbers happily to the ASO, and treat us with contempt, like we're just supposed to watch, buy your sponsor's products, and cheer on demand.
You do nothing to dispel doping suspicions, to out cheats, and to clean up the sport. You are the blight on the sport, not us.
Footnote: I'd include a list of riders DS's and who have publicly announced their support for Wiggins and his remarks, but I find them abhorrent now.
e: I realise the irony of me posting this under a pseudonym. To all those cyclists and staff members on twitter who echo his thought, my personal details are available to you on request. All you have to do is ask.
Further edit: Now you no longer need to ask.
Of course you can visit and read the thread , for yourselves from this link :
My comment was #141 and came after quite a few others who had identified themselves :
On 8th July 2012 i addressed a letter to Jacque Rogge of the IOC on my blog skippyblogging.blogspot wherein i called upon him to institute a " Sporting Moratorium " !
Not finding the " Contact point " on the IOC Website , i posted the blog link on the IOC Twitter account . No doubt , some minion has decided not to read or pass on the info relayed !
Olympic Games are big business , good for the IOC Profits , but bad for the residents pockets of the Host Cities and Countries ! Athens will never recover from the fun and enjoyment , we the visitors , enjoyed in 2004 ! Part of the Euro Bailout funds are needed to rectify the financial hole created by that extravagance . Athens of course is not the only Host that struggled after their Olympic Experience , Sydney did not do as well as was anticipated .
ONLY WHEN the past is dragged screaming and shouting into the LIMELIGHT OF PUBLIC SCRUTINY , will it be possible to START on the road to solving the SPORTING FRAUDS that currently exist ! When i proposed this " sports Moratorium " in another thread , it was met with derision , several of the comments were deleted by " Mods" .
When you consider my efforts for Physically Challenged sport has brought me into contact with the Principal Cycle Racers as well as VIPs and celebrities at World Tour Events as well as Olympic and Paralympic , Summer and Winter Games Events you will understand my belief that a line will have to be drawn by IOC and WADA !
When Jacques Rogge sees what the " clinic " says about some of his associates at the IOC , he must shudder ! Will he ask himself if the assertions made , are true ? Fact is the IOC is an exclusive club of those with vested interests and rocking the boat will cause ALL to be put in danger !
The OP , Adrian , has opened this thread and heavyweights such as Texpat have revealed themselves BUT the likes of C VDV and Mick Rogers are naive if they think that BRAD W. can continue in the manner he adopted on Monday ! SKY Corp will not allow this behaviour !
Do the Current crop of Cycle Racers at this edition of the " Le Tour " dope ? WHO GIVES A FLYing Whatever ! ASO don't care ! If they did those named in the media last week would already be on their way home ! Which day did C VDV lose 10 mins ? Was it due to being distressed by the impending breaking news ? Where was Big George when Cadel needed him on Saturday & Sunday , was he distracted ?
Only the IOC and WADA are capable of handling this undertaking which is long overdue ! Since before the Iron Curtain , Sport has been tainted , perhaps Berlin of 1936 was the starting point , BUT , do we want to watch the Chemical Olympics at Rio in 2016 ?
As i pointed out in previous posts " THE CLINIC " could be a force for change , question is , " IS THERE THE DESIRE "?
Adding to this thread is not enough ! Something positive needs to be done BY ALL !
It seems strange to me that no one has chosen to respond to this challenge ! Obviously denigrating others is great sport but being part of the move for change is JUST TOO HARD !
How many more unexplained deaths must there be , before you as a Combined Community , act to stop the “ SPORTING FRAUD “ that is imposed on you ! We , the fans , know that you are at risk as individuals !
Sport is now Entertainment for the masses and risking your health in the future will not help your families . Making Profit for the Drug Companies and the Event Organisers will not help you as an individual in your retirement , your departing the sporting scene in good health is the only viable option open for your future .
STAND UP TODAY and make a difference !
Brad Wiggins,
C Vdv,
CNF Clinic,,
Di Gregario,
George Hincapie,
Lance Arnstrong,
Le Tour,
Mick Rogers,
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