YOU TOO CAN ASSIST " ADAPTIVE / PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED SPORT"!!..... THIS BLOG REMINISING ON PLACES AND PEOPLE VISITED OVER 24 YEARS OF PEDALING "PRO TOUR " RACE ROUTES". SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE VISIT . Note that i ride alone and unassisted ! I represent NOBODY and my views in relation to " Para Sport " are personal BUT what others do is their OWN affair ! I encourage ALL to help their National Paralympic Org. assisting those living in their area with dreams of Sporting Achievement .
PARRABUDDY.BLOGSPOT was started to help find a way for “Adaptive / Physically Challenged / Paralympic Cyclists ” to enjoy riding their bikes on the Daily Route of the famous Pro Tour Race Routes such as the “ Giro d’Italia " and the " Tour de France " !
Through lack of support i have been unable to achieve that goal and unless people decide to assist there is little chance that my 22nd season will be any more successful !
Tokyo2020 Paralympics was amazing for ALL , not just those participating but those who followed via the Media !
Since 2009 several other Blogs have been created to cover various other subjects !
Below is a guide to their separate purposes :
In the main Parrabuddy is about “Adaptive / Physically Challenged Sport” and Health Issues.
Skippi-cyclist is about personal issues and Road Safety Issues.
SkippyAus is about matters relating to Oz and some personal memories from my life there.
Tourdafarce & Tourdafrance are about matters relating to the Pro Tour , Racers and some personal experiences during my various visits to ride the Pro Tour routes .
Skippy (blogging) is about a variety of issues on the Internet .
NOT ALL postings arrive in their correct area but I will generally try to separate my views on Doping and Sporting Fraud from Road Safety Issues .
Comments ARE WELCOMED since this shows that those reading are interested in the subject matter ! Enjoy comments made to other blogs so wonder why only " anonymous " posts here !
Over the period of these "Blogs" I have had visibility on Twitter as “Skippydetour” and on Facebook as “Skippy Mc Carthy” where Google usually advise postings on the Blogs as they occur .
When any of you visit these Blogs I hope I am able to add value to your day and provide a source of information if not inspiration . Please consider asking your friends and contacts to add their support as many of the Para Athletes are struggling to find the resources to compete in Events at regional Levels let alone National Levels .
You the reader have the possibility to help these Amazing Athletes in your own way and contacting your National Paralympic Internet Site for relevant info is a good start !
Through lack of support i have been unable to achieve that goal and unless people decide to assist there is little chance that my 22nd season will be any more successful !
Tokyo2020 Paralympics was amazing for ALL , not just those participating but those who followed via the Media !
Since 2009 several other Blogs have been created to cover various other subjects !
Below is a guide to their separate purposes :
In the main Parrabuddy is about “Adaptive / Physically Challenged Sport” and Health Issues.
Skippi-cyclist is about personal issues and Road Safety Issues.
SkippyAus is about matters relating to Oz and some personal memories from my life there.
Tourdafarce & Tourdafrance are about matters relating to the Pro Tour , Racers and some personal experiences during my various visits to ride the Pro Tour routes .
Skippy (blogging) is about a variety of issues on the Internet .
NOT ALL postings arrive in their correct area but I will generally try to separate my views on Doping and Sporting Fraud from Road Safety Issues .
Comments ARE WELCOMED since this shows that those reading are interested in the subject matter ! Enjoy comments made to other blogs so wonder why only " anonymous " posts here !
Over the period of these "Blogs" I have had visibility on Twitter as “Skippydetour” and on Facebook as “Skippy Mc Carthy” where Google usually advise postings on the Blogs as they occur .
When any of you visit these Blogs I hope I am able to add value to your day and provide a source of information if not inspiration . Please consider asking your friends and contacts to add their support as many of the Para Athletes are struggling to find the resources to compete in Events at regional Levels let alone National Levels .
You the reader have the possibility to help these Amazing Athletes in your own way and contacting your National Paralympic Internet Site for relevant info is a good start !
Apr 27, 2013
Anto Moran : An Irishman of Integrity !
Many visiting here will not have any idea , who Anto Moran is , nor of his Services to Cycling ! This man was a member of the Cycling Ireland Board until it's meeting of 12th April 2013 . That meeting was called to discuss the nomination of Pat Mc Quaid for a third term as president of the UCI ! As the only person actively dissenting on this vote , he had the courage of his convictions , and promptly resigned . He then took time to scrutinise the minutes of that meeting and discovered a defect . Rather than grandstand , he turned over his research to the Cycling Ireland Board and allowed them the time to act . That they then called the 3rd Option of the 12th April meeting , reflects to their credit .
Whilst all this was going on Anto Moran was approached by many , Asking/demanding , that he reconsider his decision . Out of all this came the fact that there was a groundswell of opposition to the " Nomination " . It is reported that in excess of 30 clubs voiced their disapproval of that decision , thus Cycling Ireland became aware that they were facing a Crisis . As time passes , the number of Clubs rejecting the " Nomination " will grow and in the next weeks , we will see the " Extraordinary General Meeting " called with HOPEFULLY , ALL Members allowed to vote , rather than Club Office Holders . Not being aware of the Club Constitutions , it is difficult to speculate about HOW " C.I. " will go about obtaining a result .
Below is my comment to a variety of sites :
" Awoke today to the GOOD NEWS that Cycling Ireland has taken responsibility for it's defective meeting on 12th April ! It appears that certain actions at that meeting , contradicted " Correct Procedures "!
When i wrote my Parrabuddy .blogspot post the 13thApril , i called on members of " C.I. " to find ways to overturn the Board's decision . I had not expected " Anto Moran's resignation " , nor that he would reflect on that meeting and then examine in detail the procedures and FIND an issue that he then took to the board , thus allowing them a " Facesaving decision " to revisit the " Nomination "!
In the interim , others were quite rightly , working behind the scenes to find the numbers to CALL an " EGM " . That the " Board of C.I." decided to call an EGM last night , before it was forced upon them , does them credit .
There is a growing Groundswell in Irish Cycling , that will see the EGM , if ALL Members are allowed to vote , cast phat into the wilderness !
Should C.I. reject phat , it will reflect badly on the Swiss if they choose to listen to the entreaties of the Aigle Tag Team Duo ! phat & fordruggen have NOTHING to offer the Future of Cycling Sport , OTHER than " SSDD " and the derision of the other Sports Federations !
When UCI meet at the 2013 Congress , they need to VOTE NEW Policies & Procedures , so that " NEVER ; Never , never , will the Executive be able to offer concessions for brown paper bags !
Indeed they will also need to make CERTAIN that " Anti Doping " is controlled by a Third Party , so as to remove the temptations that have existed until this year !
Too late to wish James Burn a happy retirement , since he has surfaced as a Board member of the same IOC that banned him from competition , lets ALL hope that the Bag of tricks , is finally empty !
Anto Moran , has served Cycling Ireland well with his " UNPAID SERVICE " , he deserves to be treated with respect and i for one am grateful for his dedication to Cycling !
Apr 22, 2013
US CONGRESS ! Nothing to do with us ?
Congress , that US Institution , that governs the lives of 300+ Million Americans , totally ignored it's purpose last week ! Since December and the " Sandy Hook " Massacre , the bulk of the US Population have sought change in the " GUN CONTROL LAWS "! Even the President of the USA has expressed a desire to see a change . He has bent over backwards to develope " Consensus " , you know , Inclusion , give Members of ALL persuasions in Congress , a say in how the Laws , will be framed so that a " WIN WIN " situation is achieved !
Last week we had the " Boston Marathon Massacre " , guess which body of People , decided that it had nothing to do with their decision , to ignore the needs of the US Population and GUN CONTROL Issues ?
When the President went into the Boston Cathedral , last week , many of these same people , scrambled to be there , seems they fell asleep or were deaf to the messages delivered by several of the " Clergy "? There was a message from " His Holiness Pope Francis " , read by Cardinal Sean , found here in his blog :
Highlights from this post , for me , included :
" Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has asked me to communicate to you his sentiments of love and support. The Holy Father invokes God’s peace upon our dead, consolation upon the suffering and God’s strength upon all those engaged in the continuing work of relief and response. The Holy Father prays that we will be united in the resolve not to be overcome by evil, but to combat evil with good, working together to build an ever more just, free and secure society for generations to come."
From Cardinal Sean :
" We saw that when summoned by great events we can be remarkably committed to the well-being of others, even total strangers. We become a stronger people, a more courageous people, and a more noble people. The police, emergency workers and even bystanders and passers-by did not hesitate to put themselves in harm’s way to help the injured and the frightened."
MAY THEY ALL REST IN PEACE ! We shall remember them ! 3 Bystanders and a Police Officer , lost to their Family & Friends due to the thoughtless actions of some gang of renegades .
So we have Americans in Boston , last Monday , from ALL Walks of life , rushing into Harms Way , yet , that secret society , of over fed , over paid and over protected Members of Congress TOTALLY IGNORED their responsibility to " Protect and Serve their Constituents "! So i have the wording wrong ? I am not an American Citizen , yet no matter where in the world you live , the laws of the US have an Impact .
Daily , US Media influences the lives of World Citizens in so many ways . CNN is amongst the most important avenues of News Reporting . Times i wish they would spend less time on " Self Promotion " , have you noticed they repeat their evening line up 2 & 3 times during an hour , occasionally working in the name of the sponsor for the various programmes . Aljazeera may mention the odd weekly show , such as the David Frost Report , thankfully i got to see the Paul Mac Cartney Story as a result . On the other hand , who wants reminders every 20 minutes about " Quest means Business "?
As Boston falls silent we see , Many Bystanders at the scene , standing , Flags at half Mast , Black Ribbons being tied . The New York Stock Exchange at a standstill , The Senate , with members standing but House Officials sitting at their desks !
The Mayor of Boston on the Bomb Scene , sitting in a Wheelchair due to Injury , BUT Senate Officials SITTING ? Goes to show what they think of their responsibilities or their concerns towards their fellow Man ? Do they think that people watching the TV , will overlook their " Thoughtless & Insulting Behaviour "?
Many of those in Congress are beholden to the " NRA " ! Each 2 years , a third of the Senate and half the House , call cap in hand on the " NRA ", for Election Funding !
Can you imagine any other country where the citizens are told , " The only way to protect their Children from "Bad Guys " with GUNS , is to have TEACHERS ( Good Guys ) with GUNS "! Sorry Folks , i am not knocking the citizens , i am having a Go at those in the Various Government Levels , from Borough through to State level that ALLOW this sort of Mindset !
Having read " BLACK SUNDAY " about a Stadium being attacked by a " blimp " AND Tom Clancy writing about CRASHING A 747 into the Capitol Building , over the years , it seems to me that these AUTHORS are responsible for " Brainwashing " their Readers . Guess how many languages ,in which these books have been printed ? Arabic , comes to mind as well as Spanish and French .
With " Shootem up Video Games " , where killing the " Bad Guys " to build the highest score , is the prime objective , it is little wonder that youngsters that spend their time in the house , alone most often , gain a scewed vision of the value of " Human Life "?
As a retired person that spends time on the internet when weather is inclement and out cycling and other sport where possible , i wonder why YOUTH , cannot return to useful pursuits ?
As mentioned earlier , i commented to Cardinal Sean's Blog , here it is :
" Thankyou for your Inspiring words of Late and also for relaying the message of " His Holiness Pope Francis "!
Many in the congregation , last week , need to examine their consciences , since they were part of the " House of Evil , commonly known as Congress . I say this because , since the " Newtown Massacre " , there have been nearly 4000 lives lost through the " American ( Guns DON'T Kill ) Dream ", and those in the Congress excuse themselves , perhaps absolve themselves from the responsibility , to provide the LAWS that would REDUCE the Carnage ! Even the Best , most rigourous Laws will not prevent the Evil of Murder & Mayhem , that reigns supreme in the USA !
Whilst President Obama voices his wishes , those in the thrall of the NRA , subservient to their " Funding Pool " , act like whipped dogs slavering for the next allocation of liberal funds for their next " re-election campaign ".
Jon Stewart , the TV Comic , recently lampooned a member of Congress on his TV Show ! Fact is most people , throughout the civilised world , think the US Congress is a JOKE ! Even Italy with it's current lack of Government , since the last Elections , is not causing their Citizens to be denied " Funding " NOR run the risk of being mowed down in another Bombing OR Gun Outrage !
Those that control the NRA , will face their Maker on the Day of Judgement , but between times too many honest US Citizens , will become Statistics , whilst Members of Congress worship the "2nd Amendment " and the handouts of the NRA !
Forgive me for quoting back your words , words most of Congress CHOOSE TO IGNORE :
" We do not want to risk losing the legacy of those first patriots who were willing to lay down their lives for the common good. We must overcome the culture of death by promoting a culture of life, a profound respect for each and every human being made in the image and likeness of God, and we must cultivate a desire to give our lives in the service of others.
Often in the Gospels, we can see the contrast between the crowd and the community. The crowd is made up of self-absorbed individuals, each one focused on his or her own interests in competition with the conflicting projects of others. A community is where people come to value each other, and find their own identity in being part of something bigger than themselves, working together for the common good."
My blog counts for nothing , but your BLOG and your Voice CAN see that Members of Congress are SHAMED by their electorate into acting ! Those lost at " Sandy Hook " , at the Boston Marathon , Columbine and so many otherMassacres and even in today's Shootings , DESERVE THEIR VOTE TO COUNT !
This comment will be found on my blog , where i will also address a letter to the Members of CONGRESS , albeit that their secretarial staff will ignore my concerns ."
I have yet to draft that letter , which will find it's way here .
Last week we had the " Boston Marathon Massacre " , guess which body of People , decided that it had nothing to do with their decision , to ignore the needs of the US Population and GUN CONTROL Issues ?
When the President went into the Boston Cathedral , last week , many of these same people , scrambled to be there , seems they fell asleep or were deaf to the messages delivered by several of the " Clergy "? There was a message from " His Holiness Pope Francis " , read by Cardinal Sean , found here in his blog :

Highlights from this post , for me , included :
" Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has asked me to communicate to you his sentiments of love and support. The Holy Father invokes God’s peace upon our dead, consolation upon the suffering and God’s strength upon all those engaged in the continuing work of relief and response. The Holy Father prays that we will be united in the resolve not to be overcome by evil, but to combat evil with good, working together to build an ever more just, free and secure society for generations to come."
From Cardinal Sean :
" We saw that when summoned by great events we can be remarkably committed to the well-being of others, even total strangers. We become a stronger people, a more courageous people, and a more noble people. The police, emergency workers and even bystanders and passers-by did not hesitate to put themselves in harm’s way to help the injured and the frightened."
MAY THEY ALL REST IN PEACE ! We shall remember them ! 3 Bystanders and a Police Officer , lost to their Family & Friends due to the thoughtless actions of some gang of renegades .
So we have Americans in Boston , last Monday , from ALL Walks of life , rushing into Harms Way , yet , that secret society , of over fed , over paid and over protected Members of Congress TOTALLY IGNORED their responsibility to " Protect and Serve their Constituents "! So i have the wording wrong ? I am not an American Citizen , yet no matter where in the world you live , the laws of the US have an Impact .
Daily , US Media influences the lives of World Citizens in so many ways . CNN is amongst the most important avenues of News Reporting . Times i wish they would spend less time on " Self Promotion " , have you noticed they repeat their evening line up 2 & 3 times during an hour , occasionally working in the name of the sponsor for the various programmes . Aljazeera may mention the odd weekly show , such as the David Frost Report , thankfully i got to see the Paul Mac Cartney Story as a result . On the other hand , who wants reminders every 20 minutes about " Quest means Business "?
As Boston falls silent we see , Many Bystanders at the scene , standing , Flags at half Mast , Black Ribbons being tied . The New York Stock Exchange at a standstill , The Senate , with members standing but House Officials sitting at their desks !

Many of those in Congress are beholden to the " NRA " ! Each 2 years , a third of the Senate and half the House , call cap in hand on the " NRA ", for Election Funding !
Can you imagine any other country where the citizens are told , " The only way to protect their Children from "Bad Guys " with GUNS , is to have TEACHERS ( Good Guys ) with GUNS "! Sorry Folks , i am not knocking the citizens , i am having a Go at those in the Various Government Levels , from Borough through to State level that ALLOW this sort of Mindset !
Having read " BLACK SUNDAY " about a Stadium being attacked by a " blimp " AND Tom Clancy writing about CRASHING A 747 into the Capitol Building , over the years , it seems to me that these AUTHORS are responsible for " Brainwashing " their Readers . Guess how many languages ,in which these books have been printed ? Arabic , comes to mind as well as Spanish and French .
With " Shootem up Video Games " , where killing the " Bad Guys " to build the highest score , is the prime objective , it is little wonder that youngsters that spend their time in the house , alone most often , gain a scewed vision of the value of " Human Life "?
As a retired person that spends time on the internet when weather is inclement and out cycling and other sport where possible , i wonder why YOUTH , cannot return to useful pursuits ?
As mentioned earlier , i commented to Cardinal Sean's Blog , here it is :
" Thankyou for your Inspiring words of Late and also for relaying the message of " His Holiness Pope Francis "!
Many in the congregation , last week , need to examine their consciences , since they were part of the " House of Evil , commonly known as Congress . I say this because , since the " Newtown Massacre " , there have been nearly 4000 lives lost through the " American ( Guns DON'T Kill ) Dream ", and those in the Congress excuse themselves , perhaps absolve themselves from the responsibility , to provide the LAWS that would REDUCE the Carnage ! Even the Best , most rigourous Laws will not prevent the Evil of Murder & Mayhem , that reigns supreme in the USA !
Whilst President Obama voices his wishes , those in the thrall of the NRA , subservient to their " Funding Pool " , act like whipped dogs slavering for the next allocation of liberal funds for their next " re-election campaign ".
Jon Stewart , the TV Comic , recently lampooned a member of Congress on his TV Show ! Fact is most people , throughout the civilised world , think the US Congress is a JOKE ! Even Italy with it's current lack of Government , since the last Elections , is not causing their Citizens to be denied " Funding " NOR run the risk of being mowed down in another Bombing OR Gun Outrage !
Those that control the NRA , will face their Maker on the Day of Judgement , but between times too many honest US Citizens , will become Statistics , whilst Members of Congress worship the "2nd Amendment " and the handouts of the NRA !
Forgive me for quoting back your words , words most of Congress CHOOSE TO IGNORE :
" We do not want to risk losing the legacy of those first patriots who were willing to lay down their lives for the common good. We must overcome the culture of death by promoting a culture of life, a profound respect for each and every human being made in the image and likeness of God, and we must cultivate a desire to give our lives in the service of others.
Often in the Gospels, we can see the contrast between the crowd and the community. The crowd is made up of self-absorbed individuals, each one focused on his or her own interests in competition with the conflicting projects of others. A community is where people come to value each other, and find their own identity in being part of something bigger than themselves, working together for the common good."
My blog counts for nothing , but your BLOG and your Voice CAN see that Members of Congress are SHAMED by their electorate into acting ! Those lost at " Sandy Hook " , at the Boston Marathon , Columbine and so many otherMassacres and even in today's Shootings , DESERVE THEIR VOTE TO COUNT !
This comment will be found on my blog , where i will also address a letter to the Members of CONGRESS , albeit that their secretarial staff will ignore my concerns ."
I have yet to draft that letter , which will find it's way here .
Apr 13, 2013
Mc Quaid : How can we get RID OF HIM ?
Disappointing News this morning ! Cycling Ireland has decided to " nominate " for the 3rd Term as President of the UCI , an Irishman , who has failed to protect the Cycling Community , from becoming the "Laughing Stock " of the Sporting Community !
That phat mc splat , has failed to lead the UCI , into calmer waters , is a matter of record ! Even this week we see a reversal of a " UCI rule " that whilst being in place for many years , was essentially ignored , since it was to many a " Nonsense "! Rule 1.2.019 restricts the activities of UCI registered Racers , in ALL levels of Competition to ONLY " UCI Sanctioned " events ! This in essence means that the winner of the 2013 edition of the Tour de France , Bradley Wiggins , should be hauled before a " tribunal " , sentenced to a 30 day sanction and fined , for taking part in a UK event in late 2012 ! Contador , Nibali and another also should be sanctioned for taking part in an event in Dubai , aimed at creating a NEW Event in 2014 , if the penalties were enforced !
Tiresome to repeat ALL the gaffes and blunders , that phat mc splat has created during the past years , can't even be bothered to look back for the numerous Blog posts , that give further details ! Those that follow Road Racing will know that UCI , in recent years , has been more concerned about the Time Trial Bike Saddle being " Level " , than the " Blood Passport " being unassailable !
Currently there are reports that this Blood Passport measure , introduced in 2008 , is either not being utilised as often as in past years OR it is being used to " Selectively sanction Athletes " that are from Federations that are on the Outer with UCI . Is there any truth in reports of a possible " Tour of Russia " requiring a " $7 million investment " and a number of Russian Racers being sanctioned for " OOC discrepancies "? Plenty of " smoke and mirrors "doing the rounds in various Cycling Forums "!
When i first met Hein verbruggen ( nein fordruggen ) , he was telling me of how hard the UCI was campaigning to take " Para Cycling " under it's umbrella , yet when you look at the following site , you will see that very little effort is made to treat " Para Athletes " in the same way as the Pro World Tour Athletes :
Para Cycling is a way for many who served in " Harm's Way " to rehabilitate , they deserve far better treatment than being treated as 2nd or 3rd rate by the UCI !
Even more to the point , HALF the population are Female , yet under UCI , the number of Annual Professional Events have been shrinking ! Sponsors are deserting this Sport , to such an extent that Teams containing the World Champions were folding !
Problem that appears to exist , is the Rules & Regulations , of the UCI , that currently exist . They ALL BUT GUARANTEE those currently on the UCI Board can NOT BE UNSEATED .
In nominating phat , Cycling Ireland , asked him to CONSIDER the following :
Press Release
At its Board meeting on the 12th of April, the Board of Cycling Ireland agreed to the nomination request from Pat McQuaid for the President of the UCI.
The Board requested that Pat McQuaid would raise with the UCI Management Committee certain concerns on governance issues which they would consider for tabling at the 2013 UCI Congress. The specific issues are:
1. An independent review of the system of internal controls and processes at the UCI, with the findings to be published and the recommendations implemented.
2. Engagement with Stakeholders to re-write the existing Governance Code and the Code of Ethics, as set out in the Constitution of the UCI.
3. The following proposals are to be put forward to UCI Management Committee for tabling at the 2013 Congress at:
a. A limitation on the period for which a president or vice president can serve in the UCI as follows effective after the 2013 Congress:
i. The maximum number of two four year terms.
ii. No president, vice president or management committee member can serve the UCI for more than 16 years in total over their life time, in any capacity (paid, voluntary or other).
b. That co-opted management committee members are permitted to vote on all matters which management committee members are entitled to vote.
The ONLY thing that phat will consider , now that he is nominated for a 3rd term , is how he will deal with those that he will now consider , to be detrimental to his efforts to seek election for the 4th Term !
Like nein fordruggen , he will be seeking to influence the Future Progress of the UCI , far into the distant Future .
Cycling Ireland's board , has shamed it's membership , denied them the voice , to which they are entitled ! They have foisted on the Sport of Cycling , for a third term , a person that MOST Cyclists deride !
Additional :Saturday PM :
Came across these tweets tonight :
@PaulKimmage That's it!!! You mention the Muppet Show and I finally have a nickname for you: Statler and Waldorf! Need to decide which...
Just waiting now for the " Red Kite Prayer " Blog Post for this week , and the " Inrng " article .
Meanwhile my comment to Cycling News Article :
WHO are we dealing with here ?
" James Burn ( aka pat mc quaid )" , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA and WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , were investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
WHO are we dealing with here ?
WHO are we dealing with here ?
WHO are we dealing with here ?
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
WHO are we dealing with here ?
WHO are we dealing with here ?
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
That phat mc splat , has failed to lead the UCI , into calmer waters , is a matter of record ! Even this week we see a reversal of a " UCI rule " that whilst being in place for many years , was essentially ignored , since it was to many a " Nonsense "! Rule 1.2.019 restricts the activities of UCI registered Racers , in ALL levels of Competition to ONLY " UCI Sanctioned " events ! This in essence means that the winner of the 2013 edition of the Tour de France , Bradley Wiggins , should be hauled before a " tribunal " , sentenced to a 30 day sanction and fined , for taking part in a UK event in late 2012 ! Contador , Nibali and another also should be sanctioned for taking part in an event in Dubai , aimed at creating a NEW Event in 2014 , if the penalties were enforced !
Tiresome to repeat ALL the gaffes and blunders , that phat mc splat has created during the past years , can't even be bothered to look back for the numerous Blog posts , that give further details ! Those that follow Road Racing will know that UCI , in recent years , has been more concerned about the Time Trial Bike Saddle being " Level " , than the " Blood Passport " being unassailable !
Currently there are reports that this Blood Passport measure , introduced in 2008 , is either not being utilised as often as in past years OR it is being used to " Selectively sanction Athletes " that are from Federations that are on the Outer with UCI . Is there any truth in reports of a possible " Tour of Russia " requiring a " $7 million investment " and a number of Russian Racers being sanctioned for " OOC discrepancies "? Plenty of " smoke and mirrors "doing the rounds in various Cycling Forums "!
When i first met Hein verbruggen ( nein fordruggen ) , he was telling me of how hard the UCI was campaigning to take " Para Cycling " under it's umbrella , yet when you look at the following site , you will see that very little effort is made to treat " Para Athletes " in the same way as the Pro World Tour Athletes :
Para Cycling is a way for many who served in " Harm's Way " to rehabilitate , they deserve far better treatment than being treated as 2nd or 3rd rate by the UCI !
Even more to the point , HALF the population are Female , yet under UCI , the number of Annual Professional Events have been shrinking ! Sponsors are deserting this Sport , to such an extent that Teams containing the World Champions were folding !
Problem that appears to exist , is the Rules & Regulations , of the UCI , that currently exist . They ALL BUT GUARANTEE those currently on the UCI Board can NOT BE UNSEATED .
In nominating phat , Cycling Ireland , asked him to CONSIDER the following :
Press Release
At its Board meeting on the 12th of April, the Board of Cycling Ireland agreed to the nomination request from Pat McQuaid for the President of the UCI.
The Board requested that Pat McQuaid would raise with the UCI Management Committee certain concerns on governance issues which they would consider for tabling at the 2013 UCI Congress. The specific issues are:
1. An independent review of the system of internal controls and processes at the UCI, with the findings to be published and the recommendations implemented.
2. Engagement with Stakeholders to re-write the existing Governance Code and the Code of Ethics, as set out in the Constitution of the UCI.
3. The following proposals are to be put forward to UCI Management Committee for tabling at the 2013 Congress at:
a. A limitation on the period for which a president or vice president can serve in the UCI as follows effective after the 2013 Congress:
i. The maximum number of two four year terms.
ii. No president, vice president or management committee member can serve the UCI for more than 16 years in total over their life time, in any capacity (paid, voluntary or other).
b. That co-opted management committee members are permitted to vote on all matters which management committee members are entitled to vote.
The ONLY thing that phat will consider , now that he is nominated for a 3rd term , is how he will deal with those that he will now consider , to be detrimental to his efforts to seek election for the 4th Term !
Like nein fordruggen , he will be seeking to influence the Future Progress of the UCI , far into the distant Future .
Cycling Ireland's board , has shamed it's membership , denied them the voice , to which they are entitled ! They have foisted on the Sport of Cycling , for a third term , a person that MOST Cyclists deride !
Additional :Saturday PM :
Came across these tweets tonight :
- Cycling: on behalf of Ireland, I apologize.
- ...that it's the dregs that always rise to the top?
Just waiting now for the " Red Kite Prayer " Blog Post for this week , and the " Inrng " article .
Meanwhile my comment to Cycling News Article :
" James Burn ( aka pat mc quaid )" , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA and WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , were investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
WHO are we dealing with here ?
WHO are we dealing with here ?
WHO are we dealing with here ?
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
WHO are we dealing with here ?
WHO are we dealing with here ?
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
James Burn , the renegade who went to South Africa , as an Apartheid Buster , banned from Olympic Competition ?
Patrick Mc Quaid , who did such a " snow job " on the board of Cycling Ireland , that like a bunch of pussies , they rolled over so that he could tickle their bellies ? Board of Cycling Ireland , is to be renamed , " The Muppets "!
phat mc splat , that last week called off " Rule 1.2.019 " and with the left foot , kicked it into 2014 , whilst he had his right foot firmly embedded in his mouth as he asked USADA & WADA to believe that less than 80% of synthetic EPO was not a sanctionable offence when the 2001 Tour de Suisse , lance samples , was investigated by the Saugy Labs?
Aigle tag Team Duo , that says one thing and does another ! " L.A., NEVER,Never,never Doped " " I can make ANYONE Positive "! " Nein Fordruggen ( aka hein verbruggen ) only allowed " Dopers " , for the good of the Cycling Industry ( Could not find the correct phrase , but you know )!"
Thought " split personality " was a thing of the past ?
CONSIDER ? Consider ? consider ? What will HE CONSIDER ? My bet is , how deep to drive the knife , when he gets to be reinstalled for the 3rd term !
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