The Cameron Coalition has found a novel way of balancing the Budget ! They have delayed benefits to " Disabled People "! WHO does that make sense to , only those that received tax relief on their GBP100k salaries , not those that were hit by the " Bedroom Tax"?

Whatever the Treasury has done so far , all that has been achieved is , DISTRESS to so many people and a few extra pennies held back from recipients ? Wonder if Cameron is expecting re election in 2015 ?
The UK approach to the " disadvantaged " is copied by the Australian Government ! On the 18th October they changed the benefits for those who suffered from " Natural Disasters "! Some of those DEPRIVED , lost their homes through the carelessness of that Federal Department , that controls the Defense Forces , The Department of Defence ! " The disaster recovery payment scheme " was in play for the Tasmanian Disaster , although that event seems to be the " raison d'etre " , for the 18th October adjustments ?
Those going to the link will see that there were REAL PEOPLE , with Health Problems that were affected !
As of Saturday at 0800GMT , this was the Bushfire Crisis :
Meanwhile BOTH Government Members are busy making sure that they get the BEST out of the EXPENSES RORTS !
No point being in government , if you don't maximise your BENEFITS ?