Nelson Mandela strode the World Stage , head and shoulders above ALL, because of his HUMILITY ! A Truly Inspirational Human Being , that no matter what i say , will encapsulate the effect , that he has had on so many lives ? Can anyone relate a story that does not pay tribute to his strength of Character ?
" Madiba is gone. A great and inspirational leader died at the age of 95 and it is not overdrawn to say: the world is crying and mourning."
Inspirational comments attributed to him include :
“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
Last night i was looking for news of the " Ashes ", that series of Cricket Games that at present , is being played out in Adelaide , between a sadly diminished English Team , as Holders of the " Urn " and the Aussie Team , who have regained the Ascendancy in this series . Today i see after several hours of no news , the Teams marking a period of Silence before commencing their game . The passing of Nelson Mandela , a true Cognisseur of Cricket was an International Moment . It will be a day that generations will look back on and remember , where they were , just as the passing of Jack Kennedy and the Landing on the Moon ?

Seeing tributes from World Leaders , interruption at the United Nations General Assembly Meetings and the scenes outside the Mandela Johannesberg Residence , fails to convey how impactful Nelson Mandela's personality has dominated the World since his release from Prison in 1990 .
Liks so many , i recall being outside the South African High Commission in Trafalgar Square in the mid 1960s , a time when " Anti Apartheid Demos " were an every weekend occurence . Doubt that i really knew who Nelson was or his fellow ANC Colleagues were , but i was there amongst the crowds , wishing that Sport was being interupted by the way a Government was treating it's Citizens ?

Whilst passing through South Africa in early 1970s , i saw plenty of evidence in Cape Town , Jo'berg and Durban , of how there were several different classes of Citizens . Toilets , Busses and Buildings displayed signage , advising how , where and what a HUMAN BEING , could exist in the Legal framework of the Community . In my early to mid 20s , i was seeing a little of the same , at home in Australia , but there , it was the Aboriginal Community being Ghettoed in Redfern and other pockets of Australia . Of course the World Community was rampant towards South Africa , because there was a Visible Public Policy , whilst in Oz , it was just neglect of a section of the community deserving of BETTER !
As yet , i have not seen mention of Gandhi , who was reputed to be an inspiration for a young Nelson Mandela ? It would inspire him to display a " Sense of Forgiveness " throughout his extraordinary life . This man deserves more recognition than that displayed in the Media . This tweet sums up my thoughts :
As a keen Cricket Enthusiast , Nelson Mandela's first comment to Malcolm Fraser was " Is Donald Bradman still alive "? A later visit was accompanied with an Autographed Cricket Bat inscribed by Sir Donald :
There was a Twitter feed that i retweeted on Thursday :
This was the Retweet :
A tribute by Malcolm Fraser to Nelson Mandela copied from Aussie Newspapers follows :
" His sense of humour was always near the surface. For some time before our visit he had had access to newspapers and magazines, but we were talking to a person who had essentially been cut off from the world for the best part of 27 years.
In winter it was bitterly cold. For warmth he had a blanket which, if you held it up to the light, you could see through. How could a man endure what he had endured without a sense of grievance or bitterness, without any sourness towards the world outside?
He befriended his jailers, who came to respect him greatly. He had a sense of charity to everyone. He did not harbour grudges about past injustices or wrongs, but was concerned only to find a way forward, how to build a better South Africa.
While he could speak openly about his personal views, there were limits to what he would or would not say. The Freedom Charter which had been negotiated in 1955 was out of date, almost archaic in some of its provisions. As we spoke to many people throughout South Africa and asked why it had not been kept up to date, made relevant to changing circumstances, the answer was always the same: how can we without Nelson Mandela?
When we asked Mandela what changes ought to be made, he said he could give only a personal view which might not be definitive because he would need to consult his colleagues. He had not had access to them in many a long year, but their views were very important to him. He had a very significant sense of due process and of respect for others.
At that first visit he knew that changes were afoot. His very removal from Robben Island to Pollsmoor indicated that the government wanted him to be in better circumstances. They knew that to find a settlement they would need Mandela.
It would have been so easy for somebody who had endured, as he had endured, to take the view that white South Africa should make restitution for the harm done for the past wrongs, for the great injustice inflicted upon the overwhelming majority.
To Mandela such views were looking backwards. The past had to be washed out of their hair. All South Africans had to look forward and they could only do that if they were to create a South Africa in which one law applied to all.
Was it realism that led him to this view, the knowledge of past mistakes? Or was it something innate, born in the very nature of the man that determined his attitude to other people? Perhaps both, but he knew what had to happen if South Africa was to find a way forward.
His sense of forgiveness and of justice was immense. His sense of equity was absolute. For Mandela politics was a matter of high principle and of steadfast purpose. He did not need polls or focus groups. He knew what was right, he knew what had to be done. If it was a difficult issue, if it needed persuasion, he would argue the harder, marshal his point of view and win the day.
On the steps of the Sydney Opera House
He knew government was about the exercise of judgment, but judgment based on a basic respect for people who would understand if a good argument was put to them.

When CARE Australia had three of its employees jailed during the war in Kosovo, Mandela was one of the first people to whom I appealed. Can you please lend your weight, your influence to assist in their release? He did not hesitate. I believe he knew what I stood for and the work CARE Australia was doing, and that was enough.
How does one judge his place in history? Of all the people I have met, he was by far the greatest. I do
On the steps of the Sydney Opera House not know anyone who could stand near to him. In the pages of history, there would be few who would stand as an equal.
Respect, concern, compassion a belief in the best of our natures as human beings was central to the way Mandela approached every problem. He was central to the process of change in South Africa. He unified the disparate groups within South Africa. Even the tribal leaders, such as Chief Buthelezi of the Zulus, followed Mandela. Black South Africa was able to establish a unified position in negotiations with the government.
President F.W. de Klerk had believed fervently in apartheid and sought to justify it on practical and philosophical grounds. It is a measure of de Klerk's practicality and acceptance of the need for change, but also of Mandela's greatness, that de Klerk came to believe that in a majority ruled South Africa there would be no retribution yet justice for all. Mandela was able to persuade de Klerk that white South Africans would have a legitimate place in the new South Africa. That was essential to the peaceful change that occurred.
Now South Africa grieves, as does the whole world. We need to remember his achievements and his essential character, which made those achievements possible. We can learn from his example. He leaves a legacy that all subsequent leaders should seek to emulate."
Malcolm Fraser was Prime Minister of Australia from 1975-1983 He is also a Member of the " Elders " , Co founded by Richard Bramson & Desmond Tutu !
A Tribute by a South African , modified to encapsulate the thoughts of so MANY WORLD CITIZENS !
" Nelson Mandela died on Thursday night at his Houghton home in Johannesburg at the age of 95
Madiba has taken his final bow. Celebrating the father of a beautiful nation
" What an honour to have lived and learned in your time, Madiba.
Thank you for your legacy.
Thank you for leaving your mark on the world.
May your spirit now soar in the heavens above, forever flying free.

Your long walk is finally over.
Watch over us your people, THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD , Madiba and may you continue to guide your beautiful country.
Your Country has lost a father of it's nation.
The world a mentor.
Thank you Madiba, for a journey well-travelled.
We salute you.
“The father of a nation has closed his eyes so that the rest of the world may open theirs.”
Nelson Mandela is in the thoughts of so many , so i have copied in Tweets from around the subject :
#NelsonMandela :
"Overcoming poverty is an act of justice. It's man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings"~#NelsonMandela
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." RIP #NelsonMandela
"The time is always ripe to do right"
Thank you #NelsonMandela! An inspiration for us all! You will be missed. #RestInPeace
R.I.P to one of the greatest men in history a true revolutionary, inspiration and innovator #NelsonMandela
The world lost one of its greatest. Ever. #NelsonMandela is my endless inspiration. "It always seems impossible until it's done." Believe!
R.I.P Nelson Mandela you will truly be missed. You are an inspiration to us all #NelsonMandela
May the peace minister #NelsonMandela RIP as I'm sure the angels are dancing with joy tonight to get to hang with such a great man! Namaste
Jacob Zuma: As we grieve let us conduct ourselves with the dignity and respect that Mandiba personified. #NelsonMandela
A great human being and an inspiration to millions. With grace and magnanimity, he showed that with belief all is possible.
Goodbye #NelsonMandela thank you for your courage, vision, determination & inspiration
The Great, warrior, freedom fighter, hero & unequivocal leader, #NelsonMandela, may your beautiful soul rest in peace...
#NelsonMandela was a hero who used the most powerful weapons--love, compassion, courage, peace. These are the things that change the world.
Pres. George H.W. Bush on #NelsonMandela: “man of tremendous moral courage, who changed the course of history in his country”
David Cameron: a great light has gone out in the world...a hero of our time. Flag at number 10 to be flown at half mast #NelsonMandela
My heart aches over the loss of #NelsonMandela. The world has lost one of the most humane humans. So #grateful for his life. #RIP
RIP #NelsonMandela you accomplished great things for my race In the face of adversity & I appreciate your generation taking the worst for me
RT @nypl "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it...." #RIP #NelsonMandela http://on.nypl.org/1iE4KqY
#NelsonMandela RIP. Respected and loved by millions. A difficult life personally and publicly but he delivered so much for his people.
We celebrate you from now until the end of time #NelsonMandela. You taught us how to be so beyond human that we show a glimpse of the Divine
#NelsonMandela such an inspiration, such a wonderful soul. Inspired us to never, ever, ever give up- no matter what we're going through.
Rest in peace Madiba. Your actions helped shape the world. If only I could be as lucky. #nelsonmandela #RIP pic.twitter.com/axlkD4kmuY
While his time with us may have come to an end, his impact and inspiration are eternal. Thank you. 💖 #NelsonMandela pic.twitter.com/KwyQsZgzmb
#NelsonMandela "After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb" -NM ♥
May your spirit have eternal freedom away from this evil place. Eternal life... #NelsonMandela x” 💔
To the man who transformed a nation & the world & inspired so many to stand up for what's right & just, thank you #NelsonMandela
God bless you #NelsonMandela such an inspiration.
My condolences to the people of #SouthAfrica.
Let's continue his great work.
We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right - Nelson Mandela 1918-2013 #NelsonMandela
Tonight the world lost a shining light, a beacon of hope. Tonight A good man departed our lives but is still in our hearts #NelsonMandela
"The greatest glory of living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." - #NelsonMandela May he rest in peace. Amen.
"One of the most difficult things is not to change society – but to change yourself." #NelsonMandela
I hope you rest peacefully Nelson Mandela x thoughts are with your family x #NelsonMandela #RIPelsonMandela
RIP #NelsonMandela a man who literally changed the world with his strength of character, passion and humility.
A beautiful tribute page to #NelsonMandela by the South African government: http://www.presidency.gov.za/
R.I.P. #NelsonMandela one of the most inspirational human beings to walk upon this planet we lost a true hero. #Rolemodel
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it...." #RIP #NelsonMandela http://on.nypl.org/1iE4KqY
#RIP #NelsonMandela A man who fought for what he thought was right and won. He is an inspiration to millions across the world
To A WARRIOR whose courage & legacy will last eternally--#NelsonMandela!!!!
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” RIP Nelson Mandela #madiba #nelsonmandela
The man who single handedly changed the world and unified a nation. RIP #NelsonMandela. The greatest man ever lived pic.twitter.com/Ohv7RWj7He
#NelsonMandela an Incredible soul... May we all learn from you. Rest in Peace @NelsonMandela
#NelsonMandela is dead, but remember Apartheid, discrimination and racism continues to live among us in this ugly world.
There is a party in heaven. Angels are celebrating. The one and only #NelsonMandela has arrived. RIP
He was brave enough to stand up for himself and for many others!
RIP legend Mandela! #NelsonMandela pic.twitter.com/oIM2JhojeO
#NelsonMandela finally rests in peace: Commemorate his life by bringing out others’ better side as he so often did http://nyti.ms/18m0rty
"I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - #NelsonMandela
RIP to a wonderful man #NelsonMandela so many in the world can learn from him! He stands on the shoulders of giants! pic.twitter.com/pZBEJHG8mo
If only for a moment, I hope we can linger in the love and compassion that #NelsonMandela brought to the world. http://ow.ly/ruUFC
For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. #NelsonMandela
The world has lost a great leader, humanitarian, and political role model. We can all learn for the life of #NelsonMandela
Freedom fighter..leader of apartheid, father Africa..may you rest in peace lion king! #NelsonMandela ✨
Not to many of us will live to 95 and have actually achieved something with our lives #RIP #NelsonMandela
Mr Mandela changed the world for the better, forever, at huge personal cost to himself for the betterment of all. #NelsonMandela #Greatest
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.." #NelsonMandela
#RIP #NelsonMandela One of the greatest World Leaders of our time, who'll be greatly missed by all against discrimination!
#NelsonMandela has passed and my heart is saddened as we have lost such an amazing soul. May he rest… http://instagram.com/p/hjlZjHFEGT/
#NelsonMandela told @byronpitts "Good and evil are at war. The good must shoot." Special man. More on @ABC. http://abcn.ws/1bjFaAT
"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." #NelsonMandela
'A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination' - #NelsonMandela R.I.P🌹
Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement. #NelsonMandela pic.twitter.com/4Gk1La2PBD
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again" Respect #NelsonMandela #RIP
Rip #NelsonMandela may you be at peace with the angels and ur legacy live on .4 all u did 4 the world god bless u x
“He lived life in a way that all of us, at our best, aspire to live ours.”-Darren Walker on #NelsonMandela passing. http://goo.gl/4tIufx
So sad. We are a poorer world without him. What a life to celebrate though. What a life to inspire us now. #NelsonMandela #RIP
The most special thing that was ever said, "It always seems impossible until it's done." -#NelsonMandela
#NelsonMandela, your ideas & convictions will never die, they'll live in the hearts & minds of all men & women who fight for Human Rights!
If there ever was a life bravely, beautifully, fully lived, it was #NelsonMandela http://ow.ly/ruTSR Now lets be equal to his legacy.
"Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement." RIP #NelsonMandela http://instagram.com/p/hjlCYxOzO8/ pic.twitter.com/H2IEelgJw1
Oh #NelsonMandela Oh #NelsonMandela Africa has lost a good father! My heart is heavy! We will celebrate you as long as Africa lives on.
Pres. George W. Bush: “President Mandela was one of the great forces for freedom and equality of our time” #NelsonMandela
And flights of angels sing thee to thy sleep | We are lesser, the earth is lighter without you #NelsonMandela #rip pic.twitter.com/CREDArXXb8
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains but to live in a way that respects & enhances the freedom of others.” #NelsonMandela
#Madiba :
"Living in SA has been living with #Madiba inside of us. It's hard to say goodbye." - @PatriciaDeLille pic.twitter.com/wWqPPbAV5e
Rugby tributes have been pouring in for #Madiba – go to http://www.sarugby.co.za to see how the rugby world reacted to his sad passing.
RT: @TheElders - Press release: The Elders honour the memory of their Founder, Nelson #Mandela http://elde.rs/34zM #Madiba
"This is a wonderful, lovely man. I love Nelson Mandela very much." - Michael Jackson #RIPNelsonMandela #Madiba
Fitting tribute to #Madiba at City Hall where he delivered his first speech as a free man#RIPMadiba pic.twitter.com/qxUkazbc6D
'We owe our children – the most vulnerable citizens in any society – a life free from violence and fear'
From #Madiba's life & legacy we draw faith that goodness can prevail, mindsets can change, & clenched fists can open.#RIPNelsonMandela
Nelson #Mandela - you will never be forgotten. You achieved more than anyone could have expected. The world has lost an icon. #Madiba
As the sun rises we say good bye to Nelson Mandela 2018 -2013. #RIPNelsonMandela #Madiba A great man! pic.twitter.com/nPNPOKRBKv
Want some Goosebumps? #madiba tribute from @springbok_rugby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzyc0jOh3Mg … #RIPNelsonMandela
Surely it isn't too much to ask that in Australia we #lowertheflag for #madiba #NelsonMandela
"well it is music... And dancing... That keeps me at peace with the world" -Nelson Mandela
#madiba… http://instagram.com/p/hkz_ksvS_j/
Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. #Mandela #Madiba via @louis_press pic.twitter.com/fZ3NoJoYPt"
An ordinary man who became one of the world's GREATEST leaders-R.I.P Nelson Mandela #Madiba http://instagram.com/p/hjl4WhAQ7Q/
...to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Rest in Peace #Madiba. And thank you so much!!! http://po.st/9FOGPX
Thank you #Madiba
The world is a better place also because of you.
We'll never forget.
#Mandela pic.twitter.com/aivQ4FGkqJ
It was an honour to meet #Madiba #RIPNelsonMandela We mourn now but we will celebrate you life and impact forever pic.twitter.com/vqdfXzeQP2
.RT @intldogooder “When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” RIP #Madiba
Amazing reading all the #RIPNelsonMandela Facebook posts & tweets from ordinary young South Africans, amazing what #Madiba did for our lives
"This is a wonderful, lovely man. I love Nelson Mandela very much." - Michael Jackson #RIPNelsonMandela #Madiba http://fb.me/1QOCygVKd
"A common word" Conference on Muslim -Christian dialogue starts in @MaterDeiInst remembers #Madiba
South Africans in London come together to remember our great leader tomorrow to lay flowers at his statue in Parliament Square #Madiba
I loved how the nieghbour of #Madiba, told of how whenever he came home he would walk holding both his thumbs up saying 'Mayibuye iAfrika'.
There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life less than the one you are capable of living ~ #Madiba #MosaicMantras
To truly honor a man, we must remember his entire history. #madiba #mandela http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/12/05/world/africa/Mandela-Timeline.html?smid=fb-share&_r=1& …
"Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire and unite people." - Nelson Mandela. #Madiba pic.twitter.com/AVnn8D3UgF
Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people... Mandela #Madiba
In honour of #Madiba I announce amnesty 2 those who wronged me. I pray that you find the light in your hearts 2 embrase change & goodness.
@SDLPlive How do you feel now about blocking SF proposals to give #Madiba the freedom of Derry in '86 and '90? #hypocrites
For me #Madiba represents a political climate that was driven and aligned itself with the people. A man that has sacrificed his life.
@citylordmayor pays tribute to Nelson Mandela and his legacy http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/about-the-city/what-we-do/media-centre/news-releases/2013/Pages/city-of-london-pays-tribute-to-nelson-mandela.aspx … #Madiba
“Who are you not to be great?” Or are we not even obliged to? #Madiba http://andreaicordes.wordpress.com/2013/12/06/who-are-you-not-to-be-great-or-are-we-not-even-obliged-to-madiba/ … @chiume @Twaweza_NiSisi
Up first, former President of Ireland Mary McAleese on her memories of #Madiba. Tweet your memories using #todaysor
Nelson Mandela. A human epitome of a TRUE FORGIVING HEART probably next after the forgiving Christ #MadibaYou want to come here and act as if #Madiba's sacrifice is "usual", like its something any1 can do! Act as if... http://fb.me/1a5vKOQhv
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - When I am with you I quote #Mandela” #Madiba
Hearing @JaneLinleyT crying on air. Shows the immense 'touch' that #Madiba has had on so many lives.
The long walk is over brave man. Time for you to take your rightful resting place among the great souls of the universe #Madiba
"@RvN1776: My dream was to play the World Cup in South Africa with these & meet him. It wasn't meant to be. #Madiba. pic.twitter.com/AoxtqusV6I"
'To be free is not merely to cast one's chains, but to live in a way that respects the freedom of others' pic.twitter.com/7EASE1fsE5 #Madiba
Fortunate to be in Africa with Africans to bid farewell to #Madiba. His resilient spirit will never leave Africa or the world he touched
you will always live in our hearts #Madiba words cant describe what you did #NelsonMandela you taught us forgiveness we will never forget
It's never too late to retrace ur steps, if you want to enjoy good times after death like Mandela, affect more than a continent #Madiba
Our country has lost a father of our nation. The world a mentor. Thank you #Madiba, for a journey well travelled.… http://wp.me/p2hvTt-1LY
#Mandela #Madiba for those who idolized the man pls grieve but don't judge those who feel no compassion towards him. Freedom of choice!!