Would YOU pass a car in the way you pass a Cyclist ? Barely scraping past and then closing their piece of road ?
Of course you wouldn't if it risked damaging YOUR bodywork ! YET , so many motorists , think NOTHING of hospitalising a Cyclist and then disappearing off the scene , leaving an injured CYCLIST , to DIE ! Too many recent headlines in so many English speaking countries feature " COWARD PASS " , the NEW SPORT that Motorists appear to be currently enamoured with ?

With my suggestions to
there was a repeat of their contact in
yeah well , their greeting was a beauty : " Greetings, 'straya!"
Looking forward to seeing MORE Cycling Safety Org.s form a " Coalition of the WILLING " !

In posting to the https://www.facebook.com/StopKillingCyclists facebook page i found no " Photo " access , so here are the photos that i think would better serve their purpose than the " 1M " posted by " icame isawi "
https://www.facebook.com/RIGHTOFWAYAUSTRALIA in the 1st week received a few " LIKE " but the past week has been largely ignored !
has ALSO seen little action of late !

Friday i was BUSSED with mm.s to spare ! The 60 seater turned onto the exit lane , less than 100m in front of me , so i followed him . Before he could open his Bus Door , i was there waiting to ask HIM & his pasengers for an explanation . As he exited the empty bus , he told me " SMIDSY , i didn't see you ( no sorry) " , with the arrogance of a Nazi storm trooper ! Pushing me out of his way , to get to the supermarket, for whatever ? No witnesses so no hope of action !
Typical all over the world response , " I AM BIGGER THAN you "!
A hugh success came in 2013 , when @SafeCylingOz made the effort to create a Petition , that saw the Queensland Government create " Safe Pass Legislation " for 1M in areas under 60kph and 1 1/2M SAFE Pass in areas where speeds are over 60kph !
This past week has seen https://www.facebook.com/StopKillingCyclists enjoy HUGE Success in the MainStream Media ! Numerous Front Page articles in Broadsheet Newspapers , on Radio Drive Time programmes and other Media outlets !
Part of the reson has been their reminding the Politicians of the 1999 guidelines WHEN " Fixed Penalty Notices " first were issued !

In the USA , many States in 2013 , legislated 1M
"Safe Pass Laws "! In addition to Portland , Oregon
reporting a " Zero Cyclist Death Toll " , New York City has Created a Zero Death Vision Campaign " ,
NOW , San Francisco has joined , with their OWN!
Should it be necessary for Politicians , to lose Family Members ,
before THEY decide to ACT ?

Numerous Media Articles , have been released recently , in Australasia & USA , with Families APPEALING for " motorists " to ACT MORE RESPONSIBLY when near CYCLISTS !
This CAmpaign came about due to a NEEDLESS
Personal Tragedy :

CAN ANYONE BELIEVE that Politicians care about Vulnerable Road Users , after reading this item ?
This Driver will be " licenced to KILL AGAIN " in Feb 2014 ! The Family of Hope , are SENTENCED to LIFE without HER !