Following are photos of many Cycling Clubs , in diverse parts of Australia , marking the passing of a Fellow Cyclist ! Social Media has reported little of the events that led to the demise of Nicholas Ruygrok.
Any keen Cyclists living in the Larger Cities throughout the World , will know that there are opportunities to get out on an early morning ride with other like minded enthusiasts . Nicholas Ruygrok, pictured with his fiancee
Earlier visits to Oz has allowed me an opportunity to ride in various Capital Cities on the Eastern Seabord of Oz . It may well be that there are couple of young guys reading this , that will recall an occasion near Marrickville Station when i shouted " DOOR " thus saving a DHCC Member from being spilled by a car door being flung open .

A normal DHCC Saturday ride ?
DHCC mark the passing of Nicholas on Sunday
with a period of contemplation

Regardless of in which City , the groups that i have joined over the years , there is an effort to maintain a high level of discipline within the group . Generally there have been plenty of hand signals as well as the calls/shouts to alert the pack , to any hazard , either from in front or behind
the group .
RIP from the Milano Gators Cycling Club, Adelaide.
Yes , i have been in some situations in Italy , where the pack was less than satisfactory . Bank Medilianum runs a daily Peloton at the Giro d'Italia , consisting of the Bank's Clients . Many of these Clients , although keen Cyclists appeared to be unused to riding in group formation . These riders arrive several hours before the Racers depart and get to ride with some of the Famous Ancient / Retired Racers of Italy . Most mornings involve Gianni Motto and the afternoons Francesco Moser and Maurizio Fondriest .
Lidcombe Auburn Cycling Club Minute of Silen
When London had a month of bad news for Cyclists , a group called " Stop Killing Cyclists " formed and decided to bring to the notice of the Authorities the lack of facilities/infrastructure , that existed for Cyclists . This past November , the group held their 3rd " Die IN "! Each of the annual events required hundreds of people lying in the street , thus gaining Media attention . This demonstration of People Power , was an emulation
of the Dutch Behaviours in the mid 1970s .

During the 1970s , there was a problem on
Dutch Roads that led to the Death of
After several actions such as the Photo on the right shows , the authorities heard the message "LOUD and CLEAR " !
These days the country is the leading exponent of " SAFE CYCLING " and is followed closely by Denmark !

Both these countries take " ROAD SAFETY " seriously !
You will NOT SEE the situation portrayed in the item

as to ENJOY a Healthy LIFE STYLE .