PARRABUDDY.BLOGSPOT was started to help find a way for “Adaptive / Physically Challenged / Paralympic Cyclists ” to enjoy riding their bikes on the Daily Route of the famous Pro Tour Race Routes such as the “ Giro d’Italia " and the " Tour de France " !

Through lack of support i have been unable to achieve that goal and unless people decide to assist there is little chance that my 22nd season will be any more successful !

Tokyo2020 Paralympics was amazing for ALL , not just those participating but those who followed via the Media !

Since 2009 several other Blogs have been created to cover various other subjects !

Below is a guide to their separate purposes :

In the main Parrabuddy is about “Adaptive / Physically Challenged Sport” and Health Issues.

Skippi-cyclist is about personal issues and Road Safety Issues.

SkippyAus is about matters relating to Oz and some personal memories from my life there.

Tourdafarce & Tourdafrance are about matters relating to the Pro Tour , Racers and some personal experiences during my various visits to ride the Pro Tour routes .

Skippy (blogging) is about a variety of issues on the Internet .

NOT ALL postings arrive in their correct area but I will generally try to separate my views on Doping and Sporting Fraud from Road Safety Issues .

Comments ARE WELCOMED since this shows that those reading are interested in the subject matter ! Enjoy comments made to other blogs so wonder why only " anonymous " posts here !

Over the period of these "Blogs" I have had visibility on Twitter as “Skippydetour” and on Facebook as “Skippy Mc Carthy” where Google usually advise postings on the Blogs as they occur .

When any of you visit these Blogs I hope I am able to add value to your day and provide a source of information if not inspiration . Please consider asking your friends and contacts to add their support as many of the Para Athletes are struggling to find the resources to compete in Events at regional Levels let alone National Levels .

You the reader have the possibility to help these Amazing Athletes in your own way and contacting your National Paralympic Internet Site for relevant info is a good start !

Jul 11, 2011

LETTER to PAT Mc Quaid , UCI President !

LOOKING to make a new Revenue stream ?

Look no further !

Drivers on the Tour de France need to be trained to avoid "Injuring and perhaps Killing the racers !

Fact is anyone can roll up and get accredited at these UCI Road Races , you leave it to the drivers to be honest about having a currently valid driving license/authority to drive and that is the first mistake of the Various Tour Organisers !

IMMEDIATELY you need to consult with the relevant European Authorities and have a COMMON set of road rules drawn up that are applicable to those using any routes connected to UCI road races ! Also you need to demand of the Tour Organisers that they demand sight of ALL DRIVERS LICENSES before they start using the roads on Tuesday 12th July 2011 !

AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE you need to arrange for ALL DRIVERS that work in the industry that wish to be accredited to drive at any road race to obtain a " PERMIT TO DRIVE AT " UCI ROAD RACES " ! This permit initially will require a reading of the rules in the presence of an " UCI nominated " official but before the start of the " Vuelta " will require study and a written exam in the presence of a " UCI nominated official " ! Fees will apply to cover associated costs to All involved . Before the start of the 2012 season it should be practical to arrange driving testing procedures for All that wish to obtain the " UCI Accreditation Certificate " !

99% of the drivers act in a safe manner but i have personally seen in 14 seasons , " cowboys " on the prescribed routes let alone outside the Tour time limits ! Yesterday i saw a couple of " girls " in the area behind the finish " beeping their way through the general public so that they could park to go into the " VIP area " to join their friends ! That was the story they gave me when i challenged their behaviour ! There were several others acting in this unreasonable way !

Friday i was in my car approaching the "barricaded sprint zone " 25 km from the finish and as i approached i slowed to 30 kph and put on my hazard lights . The car following , a Skosa with Decal 1010 in blue and red " klaxoned " me and attempted to overtake but there was no room . I stopped on the line and asked him if "Page 7 of the Tour Guidebook " applied " to him ? His reply was he was authorised to use the route but this was more than an hour before the Gendarmerie would control public vehicles and i told him that . At this he replied he was in a hurry and i was delaying him !

AT all times where there are " barricades " there will be workers or members of the public who will wander onto the road without thought and so i am prepared for an emergency stop and those trying to drive within centimetres of me will learn the hard way what the hazard lights mean ! I need not tell you that the lilac shirted guy drove away at above the speed limit for that area of the road !


Mr Mc Quaid you will remember that David Millar was hit by a motorcycle at the " Vuelta " some years ago and thus lost the efforts he had made throughout the day just as " Flecha & Boogerland yesterday ! These are not the only casulties BUT what is relevant is that these guys were lucky to be able to continue to the race finish ! I am told the " Vino " was hit and hospitalised as were others yesterday so these are not isolated incidents brought about by " BAD LUCK "!


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