“ Bull in CHINA ” shop , causing more controversy by forgetting he signed correspondence and his spokesman “ mis-spoke ” when saying there was no such letter/s ?
Don’t think so ! Whilst Deignan comes second to Nicholas Roche in stage 3 of the Tour of Beijing , the “ Trick Cyclist ( denied his Olympic ride by appearing in South Africa under an assumed name ) ” is grabbing all the headlines with a letter that must have caused ALL the Pro Team Management Angst .
When Cycling news.Com and Inrng.com published their articles they were in denial that such behaviour could be allowed by the UCI let alone be published !
Threatening reprisals at the end of 2011 on Teams that did not choose to participate in the “ Tour of Beijing ” with a review of their “ Status ” for 2012 was not only STUPID but contravenes the “ Rules and Regulations ” that the UCI pretends to operate under .
Seems to me that there are going to be more than Stapleton’s HTC team having difficulty finding “ Main Sponsors ” in future years !
"There was a deal to do pre-competition and in-competition testing," the source told Cyclingnews. "That deal was struck with the deputy director of USADA and the UCI and that was in writing.'...'Then there was a press conference and there was the comment about the fox guarding the henhouse. McQuaid went crazy and demanded an apology. One wasn't forthcoming and there was a huge thing. It was seen as an affront to Pat McQuaid's honour and **** the sport if Pat McQuaid's honour is impeached. "The deal that had been agreed in writing was pulled off the table.'...'"
So the key points are:
1)Pat puts himself and his ego ahead of the interests of cycling.
2)The UCI president appears able to cause the operational anti-doping plans of the UCI to be overridden at whim.
3)The UCI don't honor written agreements, and this is encouraged by it's president.
IMO, Pat McQuaid is not an appropriate person to head a not-for-profit organisation. He appears to lack personal integrity or a basic understanding of best practice in the not-for-profit sector. Pat McQuaid, NO CONFIDENCE or RESPECT. Resign you ******* ****-***** ******.
Seems I am not in the minority when considering UCIless’ current conduct
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