When Lance claimed , " He would be the first through the Door of a " Truth and Reconciliation Hearing " , it was empty words ! Just this week , USADA chief Travis Tygart , reminded Lance , he had until the 6th February , to attend a meeting with USADA , and there disclose under OATH , information that could lead to USADA , reviewing the " Life Time Ban ", imposed as a result of the " Reasoned decision ", released in October 2012 !
With Lance disclosing to Oprah , that the motivation for his Confessions , with Her , was the Hope , to seek a reduction from the "Death Sentence " , to a lesser period , thus allowing him to be " Competitive " once again , his reluctance to comply with USADA , becomes an Enigma ? Surely Lance , wanted people to believe him , did he not ?
So much of what Lance revealed to Oprah , has now been picked apart by " Experts " , during the past week or more . Scores of articles have surfaced about his " Body Language " and the " Verbage " that he used . Most telling , though , are articles refering to his return to Racing in 2009 . During the Oprah Interview , Lance disclosed , the ease that Racers had , in circumventing the " Doping Controls " , as they had then existed before his retirement in 2005 . He went onto declare that he had not used ANY PED Products , when he returned to racing in 2009 .
Reports surfaced in 2008 , that he was motivated by Carlos Sastre winning the 2008 " Le Tour " . He then obtained an " Exemption " from the 6 Month UCI Regulation regarding , return to Competition " Out of Competition Controls " , thus enabling Him to race the " Tour Down Under " in January 2009 . Media reports that the South Australian Gov. paid him an amount of $A3million , as an Appearance Fee ! Reports suggest that this Sum was to be paid to " LiveSTRONG ", however , the rumours suggest that , it became a " Personal Banking ", more no doubt will surface in the future . Laughably the current Premier of the S.A.Gov. , has demanded a refund , since the Oprah Interview . Must have been a " Political Ploy " , since , even the Racers are laughing at this "Questionable Idea "!
The apparent reason that Lance is claiming " No Doping " since retirement in 2005 , lies in the fact , that WADA regulations , call for a Life Time Ban , to be replaced by no less than an 8year Ban . With his first retirement from " Doped Racing , being in 2005 , Lance is hoping , his declaration of " Dope Free Racing , since 2009 , will be accepted . Experts such as Mike Ashenden , say , otherwise !
People will be familiar with the fact , of Mike having been employed by UCI , in their " Doping Control " efforts , and his work in setting up the " Blood Passport "! When UCI tried in 2011 , to muzzle his being considered an Expert on " Blood Values , he had to resign . UCI tried to enforce a change of Employment Contract , that would have caused him to be unable to comment for 8 yrs after cessation of employment at UCI . Had they left well alone , UCI , may well have suffered less unfavourable publicity in recent times .
With the 2005 retirement , being acceptable , it is possible that Lance , could resume Racing at WADA Sanctioned Events , as early as 2013 , BUT , should WADA , decide the offerings of Experts such as Mike Ashenden are correct , then 2019 , may be Lance's next appearance , in WADA Sanctioned Events !
Speculation is " rife " that Lance did not apologise to Betsy Andreu , since there were other people in the Hospital Room at that time ! The Doctors and others , have since given SWORN Testimony , stating that what she claims to have heard , did not take place . Amongst the articles surfacing , is one from Frankie Andreu discussing a 40 minute phone call , the day before the Oprah Interview . No doubt , Frankie thought, that this phone call would lead to Lance , publicly apologising to Betsy ?
Another disatisfactory result of the interview , was the disclosure that Lance , indeed called Emma O'Reilly , but only the once , leaving a message , requiring Emma to call him . Would any reasonable person , being Insulted in the manner , that Lance chose , seek to find , at their own expense , that he was sorry for himself , due to the fact that he had been forced by Public Opinion , to apologise ? During the Interview , tasked by Oprah about the Law Suits , smirked when claiming, " I don't recall an Action against her , there were so many "! Says a lot for his contrition towards Emma's suffering , at his hands ?
David Walsh , author of so many articles and books , taking Lance to task and referred to as a " F##king Troll " , also received an apology of sorts . Paul Kimmage , castigated by Lance , not least at the Tour of California , did not rate a mention .
Amongst others ignored in the Oprah Interview were Johan Bruyneel , His Coach /Team Manager / Best friend , throughout his Racing Career , certainly since after the 4th Placing on the 1998 Vuelta Espana . Also there was no mention of Hein Verbruggen and Pat Mc Quaid , both of whom , control the UCI Management Decisions , people , he is reported by Media , to have in his pocket .
Lance has dominated the Major Network News for several weeks now , displacing more important Sporting Occasions . Not only Cycle Racing Athletes but Tennis stars , are being asked to comment on this subject .
LANCE , we the Public , only want , ONE THING , from you !
Compliance with the USADA request to reveal under Oath , ALL Information regarding YOUR Activities , in respect of the Financing of the Team and PED Products . This will mean naming those Directors and Financiers involved in bringing you to the USPS Team in 1999 , through to yours and their expenditures to the UCI and other Organisations that you financed or attempted to finance .
Like many others , i hope that as you leave the ALL REVEALING interviews , the door hits you , as you exit , once and for all , the Public Forum !
With ALL the talk of " Truth and Reconciliation " and " Amnesty " by phat mc splat , UCIIC and WADA , one wonders why the Public , you the readers , are not adding your support to the following " Petitions "?
http://www.change.org/petitions/wada-create-an-amnesty-in-all-sports …
http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/office-of-the-governor-general-of-australia-create-the-means-for-a-sports-amnesty-in-australia#invite …
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Iy1XTxYC98 Lance song
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SUKZD6eqgo&feature=youtu.be lance parody
How come you always liked Armstrong's bullying tactics, while there were plenty of people pointing out that his attitude stank, whether or not it could be proved at the time that he had doped? You've changed your tune, now, but you're just going with the flow again. You could do with large dose of common sense.