PARRABUDDY.BLOGSPOT was started to help find a way for “Adaptive / Physically Challenged / Paralympic Cyclists ” to enjoy riding their bikes on the Daily Route of the famous Pro Tour Race Routes such as the “ Giro d’Italia " and the " Tour de France " !

Through lack of support i have been unable to achieve that goal and unless people decide to assist there is little chance that my 22nd season will be any more successful !

Tokyo2020 Paralympics was amazing for ALL , not just those participating but those who followed via the Media !

Since 2009 several other Blogs have been created to cover various other subjects !

Below is a guide to their separate purposes :

In the main Parrabuddy is about “Adaptive / Physically Challenged Sport” and Health Issues.

Skippi-cyclist is about personal issues and Road Safety Issues.

SkippyAus is about matters relating to Oz and some personal memories from my life there.

Tourdafarce & Tourdafrance are about matters relating to the Pro Tour , Racers and some personal experiences during my various visits to ride the Pro Tour routes .

Skippy (blogging) is about a variety of issues on the Internet .

NOT ALL postings arrive in their correct area but I will generally try to separate my views on Doping and Sporting Fraud from Road Safety Issues .

Comments ARE WELCOMED since this shows that those reading are interested in the subject matter ! Enjoy comments made to other blogs so wonder why only " anonymous " posts here !

Over the period of these "Blogs" I have had visibility on Twitter as “Skippydetour” and on Facebook as “Skippy Mc Carthy” where Google usually advise postings on the Blogs as they occur .

When any of you visit these Blogs I hope I am able to add value to your day and provide a source of information if not inspiration . Please consider asking your friends and contacts to add their support as many of the Para Athletes are struggling to find the resources to compete in Events at regional Levels let alone National Levels .

You the reader have the possibility to help these Amazing Athletes in your own way and contacting your National Paralympic Internet Site for relevant info is a good start !

Sep 20, 2021

KICKING the Problem down the road? AGAIN ?

Sadly another Statistic was created on Saturday 18th September 2021 !


 is the HeadLine , that is the outcome of an RTC in Belgium , near the area ,where the 2021 UCI Road Race Championships , take place , beginning on Sunday 19th September 2021 .

Unfortunately , chris-anker-sorensen- was Cycling  and the result of an RTC , was SEVERE Injury resulting in Death , hours later !

Apparently a Car/Van was involved , but , unlike reporting in English Speaking Media , there was No report on the Driver's condition ? 

Todate , there have been many Written Articles about the Passing of this Well Known Athlete , as well as #Tweets and other social media !

Judging by the #WIKI website ( )  , i would only have had a passing contact with him , during the 2008 Giro d'italia , when i had the occasion to ride with the Saxo Team on the Rest days .

The REASON for my INTRUDING into this Unfortunate INCIDENT , is the WAY that the #Media CONTINUE to BANDY the word #ACCIDENT ! 

WHEN , will these People get their HEAD into USING , CORRECT ENGLISH ?

WHAT is ACCIDENTAL about a Driver Colliding with a #Cyclist ? 

Is it #Accidental , that a Driver gets into a Vehicle ?

Accidental that , that Driver turns on the Ignition ?

Accidental that Either of the parties to the Collision were at FAULT , at some point on the route that they CHOSE to Use ?

STATISTICS , repeatedly are USED , and , show that 83% of RTC s involving a #Cyclist , are due to #DRIVER Negligence !

Time will tell WHAT took place , AND , as the Victim is DEAD , then there will be a lot of EFFORT USED , to exonerate the Surviving Party , as , #LIFE must go on !

Too often English Articles , report that #Drivers , when found AT FAULT , are given #SUSPENDED SENTENCES , even a mere SLAP on the Wrist Attitude ?

JAIL may be the CORRECT Sentence in many cases , BUT , in Oz , it costs more that $A50000 each year , to provide JUSTICE !

Weekend detention , at Home with an ANKLET , seems to be an Option , so often overlooked , but even then , there is a COST , and Society is TOO Forgiving , when the Perpetrator goes out shopping with the Family , or to some Social Occasion ?

Even Police Officers get MOWN DOWN by Vehicles ! Take the case of #SgtKenRich , out on a past Good Friday , riding for exercise with his Daughter . The Perp missed the Daughter & collided with the Lycra Clad MALE ! 

Sentenced to Community Service , a few years later , when the matter had dropped out of view to most of the Community .! Seems that the CPS , does not consider a 30+year Veteran Sargeant , as a Valuable Member of Society ? The Perp is alive and well , and so must NOT BE Inconvenienced for HIS GUILTY Behaviour ?

Then there is #JasonLowndes , He raced to 6th in the Under 23 catagory in 2016 Uci Worlds! On the way to a Training Ride , he was rear ended by a young woman , that was TOO Busy on her Social s to pay attention to the Road , or her Duties of Care , to the Community !

#SEALS are in every Country , their S elf   E ntitled   A rrogant   L awbreaking , is seemably ACCEPTABLE to the Community ? 

Too often the Judiciary put themselves in the Shoes of the PERPETRATOR , as they recognise , that they ALSO do the same Habits , that has a Perp in front of them ?  PAID to deliver Justice , but , bend with the Wind , AND , as for the JURY , well THEY know NO BETTER ?

2014 Tour De Romandie was down the road from AIGLE , the location of the UCI HQ , and so it was a Stopover on the way to Belfast , the Grand Depart for the Giro d 'ITALIA !

Brian Cookson was the UCI  President at that time , and i was fortunate to find him and discuss the LACK of EFFORT to ensure that ProRacers were ABLE to   #SurvivetheROADS ! One of his senior Colleagues told me of the Loss of the UCI World Champion of Cross Country in a Belgium RTC , something i had read of in 2013 !

When i left , i felt confident that the ssubject of #Cyclist Safety would be on the Agenda of the UCI Congress in Ponferada , BUT , alas , NOTHING , since then has been done , to SAFEGUARD ProRacers or even Newbie Women , that the Australian Cycling endeavours to encourage to JOIN !

WHY , would Women or other Newbies WISH to take up Cycling , let alone RACING , when every Ride in Traffic , is likely to lead to a VISIT to Accident & Emergency ?

March 26th 2021 , saw Victoria State join the rest of Oz , in passing #SAFEPassLaws ! During the previous months , riding at 10+kph on South Promenade , could result in a $A1600 Penalty ! And , the New Law , would COST a Perp $A350 + 2 Points , for ENDANGERING LIFE , as passing within 1 Metre was NOW not a Great Idea !

Police in Victoria , are TRAINED to Use a Radar Gun , to check SPEED , they even GET TRAINING on that instrument ! The NEW SafePass LAW , is not ENFORCED , as NO TRAINING is Proposed as yet , and , so any Lawyer would ask ONLY ONE Question !

Are YOU Trained to spot a Vehicle Less that One Metre from a Cyclist , as You Pass ? With Answer being   N O , case will be DISMISSED !

SORENSENLAW could be INTRODUCED by the UCI on Thursday/Friday Congress this week ! All National Cycling Federations could be on the same Page , in respect of Cyclist Safety ! All it requires is that the DELEGATES DECIDE TO ACT !

Sorensen was NOT on the AGENDA ! Perhaps there will be a MINUTE of SILENCE to mark his Passing , BUT , HOW MANY MORE #ProRacers MUST PASS , before UCI , pull their neck out of the Woods , and , ACT , to SAVE LIVES 


ACTION in 2021 , is LONG OVERDUE !

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